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Everything posted by OSUmetstud

  1. Early still, but probably a good thing to see a -NAO pop up in the weeklies in November.
  2. That might be right in the grand scheme of things, but in the current paradigm, provinces do have different covid restrictions. Quebec, for example, had/has more lax rules, and likewise, has had far more disease and death than the other provinces thus far. The Atlantic Canada provinces got together and decided to bubble together and not allow other Canadians who don't have residency or anyone else for that matter come here to prevent spread. The rest of Canada has not done that. I'm alright with state's rights, but in the same vein, that doesn't mean that there's no place for leadership on the national level. We don't have that right now. Leadership doesn't have to mean legislation. Countries like Germany have navigated the pandemic relatively well, why do Americans accept that similar couldn't have been or couldn't be done here? So much talk about American greatness, but where's the beef?
  3. I live in Canada, there's plenty of debate going on here. If you think that the US is the only place where there is healthy political debate or disagreement, i don't know what to tell you. Your view of Canada and Europe is cartoonish. Trump is not for relatively weak central government, he has authoritarian tendencies and admires dictators.
  4. Synthetic ones like cheese since they are produced in mice.
  5. That's the UKMET Seasonal from September. The new one comes out on the 11th.
  6. Dr. Daniel Griffin on TWiV suspects that the president might already be beyond the initial viral phase and into week 2 given the reference to lung findings and the decision to use steroids. Steroids wouldn't be prescribed so early as they could be detrimental in the initial viral phase. (They weaken the immune response.) https://youtu.be/ZFpp3pIRjGQ
  7. I'm not sure why it matters where the virus originated in discussing past and current us response. The vast majority of scientist agree that this is a zoonotic spillover event. Those are more likely in an area with high population density and high diversity of species, like China. I think China deserves criticism for the initial brief cover up...but that only loses a few weeks on the timeline...everything else that occurs after is squarely fair game.
  8. Important to keep in mind when discussing Trump's condition. Trump is around day 5/6. Boris Johnson was hospitalized 9 days after his positive test.
  9. Lol https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/05/health/contact-tracing-white-house.html The White House has decided not to trace the contacts of guests and staff members at the Rose Garden celebration 10 days ago for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, where at least eight people, including the president, may have become infected, according to a White House official familiar with the plans. Instead, it has limited its efforts to notifying people who came in close contact with Mr. Trump in the two days before his Covid diagnosis Thursday evening. It has also cut the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has the government’s most extensive knowledge and resources for contact tracing, out of the process
  10. Exactly. I posted three examples of prominent Republicans, including the president, undermining public health via mask use. The response I receive is none of that matters because americans are unhealthy. We live in a world where Americans rightly or wrongly look to the president, other politicians, and pundits for guidance. These people have millions of followers and supporters. They've made things worse.
  11. The reason that people are confused about isn't because what fauci said in february. Its a purposeful disinformation campaign that continues. Potus made fun of biden for wearing a mask at the debate just as he was becoming ill with covid. This is Brit Hume from 3 days ago: AAPS is not a science organization. Its a conservative think takes thats questioned the link between hiv and aids. This is Tomi Lauren from today.: There is no interest in the right echo chamber to learn and use masks. They've politically weaponized the whole thing...causing more sick and dead Americans.
  12. Trumpers will be taking about what Dr Fauci said in February of this year for all of eternity. Dr Fauci is hated by the right. Dedicated himself to infectious disease research and medicine for 50 years but because America is so damn anti scientist they've made into him villain. Prominent and elected conservatives have engaged in a misinformation campaign about masks and mitigation efforts from the jump and continue to do it until this day. Its been purposeful and disgusting.
  13. Seasonal models look fairly consistent with Nina climo. Couple things to watch for is how much ridging we can get into AK/Bering and if we can pop some sort of -NAO or at least some strong 50/50 confluence.
  14. Do you guys have any idea on snow climo on Hwy 201 in Maine. I'm assuming it's pretty decent, 100"+?
  15. Even he didn't know... It just seemed like maybe something to watch. If it's not in the tropics it wouldn't be as simple as strat smoke contributes to +AO given the black biomass is being release into the mid-latitudes.
  16. HM was discussing smoke getting into the lower strat playing a role for this winter. It's a bit different than equitorial volcanism (+AO) given that the smoke is being released into the mid-latitudes and the subtropics.
  17. This is becoming less and less of a high impact event for Atlantic Canada. It just blows its load early and rots and fills under the block. I mentioned a few days ago that this was possible.
  18. lol I mean, it's bad. I'm just saying it would be worse if the phasing happened a bit later, or the incoming trough was stronger and less cut-off from the flow as it approaches NS.
  19. It looks pretty nasty, but as this point maybe not worse case scenario for Nova Scotia. While we know the waters are cool south of NS, the baroclinic assist from the incoming trough starts later Sunday and continues into Monday. By Tuesday, as Teddy approaches, the storm is more stacked and the hurricane/post-tropical is slowing down before landfall.
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