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Everything posted by OSUmetstud

  1. We were able to hire and train a forecasters remotely over the past several weeks. Definitely a bit different but its gone pretty well.
  2. I tried to think about that in a context that the model thinks temperature will be considerably above normal here. So even if it has an okay 500 look...temperatures in December here are strongly inversely correlated with snowfall (Precip matters more than temps in jan thru mar).
  3. The earlier quoted 10 missed infections for every 1 found was true back in April in the hard hit areas especially, but since then the number of missed infections is more like 2-5 for every one found.
  4. CDC did a commercial lab survey over all 50 states. The results from mid August show an estimated just under 20 million infections. The reported cases at the time was about 5.5 million. Confirmed/probable deaths at that time were about 175000. So the number of exposed Americans now is probably around 9 or perhaps 10%. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#national-lab
  5. I hadn't appreciated that both the ECMWF and UKMET have a negative NAO in December, looks quite positive for Jan and Feb.
  6. Cool, well it looks substantial the next few weeks. Maybe it will finally happen this winter...
  7. I'd be interested to see if the strength matters. Like if it's really strong blocking now, is it more favorable for winter blocking or less?
  8. Yeah, that's good work by you. It's just funny that this supposed expert didn't know that. He was making a huge deal about strong October blocking.
  9. Got to keep enough confluence over Greenland...otherwise its congrats maine.
  10. Yeah that UKMET composite is a really close match to 2007-2008
  11. You laugh at people for the reaction here? Because they care about the disease? Because they care about saving lives? Thank you again for your drive by post of how little people where you live care in your conservative utopia.
  12. Regeneron is in stage 3 so we should have some results soon.
  13. They're not genetically sequencing the virus in every person with covid so its actually impossible to know how many reinfections there are. Theres been 2 definite reinfections but its possible there's more.
  14. Because an anecdote isn't a drug trial? Trump isn't out of the woods yet. They've been too cheeky about his condition to know all the particulars. Let's see what the results show. Maybe regeneron will help a great deal.
  15. Yeah I know the fda cdc and nih think this drug doesn't help but what does covid19crusher think?
  16. My God. The best scientists and the best scientific organizations in the world tell us that the hcq trials have either shown no efficacy or increased mortality. Why the **** should I believe you or someone anonymous Twitter account over them? Take your conspiracy shit to Facebook and Twitter.
  17. Yes. I remember that good April storm there for Maine. It was the biggest storm of the season up there. We forecast for Maine DOT.
  18. I thought the County was the basically the only place with above average snowfall in New England last year?
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