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Everything posted by OSUmetstud

  1. True, but I don't believe there was much in the way of scientific studies backing their use.
  2. Agreed on the test itself. I'm making a larger point their role as the preeminent public health organization in the county. They were neutered in that role since March by the administration. It is my opinion that Fauci said no masks early on because we didn't understand how much asymptomatic transmission there was at the time and that the data on the effectiveness of public masking was quite flimsy at the time. That it isn't exactly a flip flop since what we didn't understand at the time that public masking was effective. Since, there have been some, albeit not perfect studies, that have shown some effectiveness. They aren't the golden goose, but they should be warn and used as part of an overall public health strategy. I just don't think what Fauci said in March matters that much about what is going on now. The anti-masking stuff is political theater. It's not genuine scientific confusion.
  3. The CDC never had the ability to make up for the test failure early on because the administration wouldn't let them to take the lead on the pandemic. Public health is what they do, they are supposed to be in charge in all of this. The HHS put political pressure on them often and did political review of scientific literature. Fauci has been serving this country for 50 freaking years. The right hates him. They have done everything to make it political. He's said to wear mask 1000s of times after the initial stuff in March. The anti-mask rhetoric is not about what fauci said in March. It's just another political tool to justify being anti-mask. This sounds a lot like the "scientists are the problem" that couldn't be father from the truth.
  4. There's 61k ballots outstanding in counties that lean much more democratic than the state. It will be close, but I agree, i think Biden takes it. There will almost certainly be a recount there.
  5. I dont believe it ever had a T8.0 look though
  6. I looked at that for a minute but idk that's a fairly large gyre of low pressure in the SW Caribbean
  7. The same idea came out of CDC's MMWR. We are all interconnected. The virus finds it way into the vulnerable even now even after how much we've supposedly learned.
  8. Remdesivir at the moment only really has shown benefit for the hospital system in reducing length of stay. Theres no good data on reduced mortality for individual patients. Hopefully they can manage more early course studies. The steroids and care has been the main reason for the decrease in mortality in the hospital. I dont think overall mortality has decreased by, let's say more than 40%? Since the beginning. In the second wave, the median age of hospitalization was younger which also helped to reduce mortality from the first wave. This wave already looked worse than the summer one...our baseline is higher than June and Rt (1.12) hasn't begun to go down yet even as cases, hospitalizations, and deaths surge.
  9. I'd have to imagine they'd identify the most at risk people and give this therapy to people in outpatient after they develop symptoms? All the stuff with antivirals and antibodies therapy has been consistently "may work, if given early" but how do you accomplish that?
  10. The October 10th excess death data is now 4.9 to 9 percent. You got to be careful about using the last few weeks as its quite incomplete.
  11. I'm talking about that pandemics end and normal life resumes. Public health people haven't given up and neither should we.
  12. That wasn't the general point. Its that there is a way out. Positive and empathetic public health messaging is important.
  13. I agree with this general sentiment.
  14. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/10/26/oxford-astrazeneca-coronavirus-vaccine-reportedly-triggers-immune-response-among-adults-.html?__twitter_impression=true Some good news here from AZN/Oxford
  15. Its a large part of. This administration has submarined science and health purposely. The constant undermining of the CDC has been disgusting. Any science oriented person i know is ****ing tired of it. I just posted two instances of anti mask stuff from the admin. Many of these anti mask people are pro trump. Funny how that works.
  16. See my post above. The anti mask movement is driven by ignorance and anti science rhetoric.
  17. My God Dr. Atlas just tweeted a conspiracy theory about masking not working and being harmful from a AEIR just last week. And the president made fun of Biden's mask during the last debate. The anti science shit has been accelerating in this country for decades. We've already seen it manifesting itself in anti vax and anti agw conspiracy. This pandemic just amplifies all the existing weaknesses.
  18. How many posts do you plan on making defending ignorant and angry people defying public health guidance and then blaming the rest of us for it?
  19. We might want to revisit this in a month or two, to be fair. The spread in Europe is much worse right now. They managed much better than the US early in the summer but also got too complacent.
  20. Influence. Are you even trying right now?
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