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Everything posted by OSUmetstud

  1. The general nature of the rt pcr sample and test is that there's going to be more false negatives than false positives. https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m1808
  2. I'm surprised the data are this strong. But I wonder if there could be sort of selection bias here.
  3. Its nice to see a return to blocking at least for now. Eastern Newfoundland and New England can both get good stuff from the same storm...
  4. I kinda wish they did more direct work on the ability of the vaccine to prevent transmission. We seem to know it greatly diminishes disease and severe disease.
  5. Isn't that symptomatic covid matt? I thought they didn't do random rt pcr testing to find asymptomatic cases?
  6. Of course. Bob watcher from ucsf had a good graphic that ill have to find showing all the disease happenings in the general population that some will attempt to erroneously tie to a vaccination.
  7. Consistent with the trend in the general population. Funny how you failed to mention that. The vaccine will not prevent other forms of disease or death.
  8. Its only crazy because they took strong measures to slow the spread. They have like 2420 covid deaths. I bet suicides will outrank covid in New Zealand Australia and South Korea too...
  9. Of course. Theyre bad enough in a percentage of people that you might be out of work for a day or two. Like you dont vaccinate all your nurses on a single day.
  10. I just don't like the use of the but there. It almost makes it seem like the fda says one thing but the trial participants say another. I've been following the vaccine stuff a lot. This vaccine does cause more side-effects than your typical flu vaccine. So science communication will be important to let people know that. The side-effects are from the immune system reaction. It means its working.
  11. I don't like the headline. They aren't in contrast to each other. Feeling kinda shitty for a day or two doesn't mean it's not safe.
  12. Getting some vaccine out here next week.
  13. Right, I usually use -6 out here and then -8 in Ontario, but it's just an estimate because of the stochastic nature of cloud droplets.
  14. Without the drier dewpoints you also lose any heat of vaporization effects, which is about 8 times larger than the heat of fusion. So you're only left with heat of fusion and a smaller contribution of sensible heat from the flakes themselves.
  15. Is it a mass issue? Melting large aggregated dendrites would remove more heat from the environment than smaller flakes?
  16. I had a general 3-5" in my Portland/Augusta/Bangor forecast when I left on Friday, but given what the NWS and folks on the board were discussing, I was really worried I was going to bust low. I'm glad there was such a struggle in that regard. Lack of drier dewpoint advection and strong lift but in the wrong spot kinda makes sense to me. Given the lack of good antecedent airmass, there's more bust potential if things don't align.
  17. As do I...I just dont get that mpression from the folks here. Like I'm not sure the cross country travel is nearly as common.
  18. The slope of the line looks pretty similar before and after October 12th so I'm not really sure theres a lot there. As you know Canadian Thanksgiving seems to pale greatly in cultural importance than American Thanksgiving.
  19. I think the choke point is intensive care and not regular hospital beds. https://www.aha.org/statistics/fast-facts-us-hospitals
  20. Meh. That CDC study showed 16% at the end of September.
  21. Interesting thread suggesting that proportion of hospitalizations to cases has been falling over the past few months suggesting stricter admission criteria as hospitals fill up.
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