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Everything posted by OSUmetstud

  1. Give that vaccines aren't 100% effective I'd be shocked if there weren't some covid deaths post vaccine generally. We are talking about millions of people here.
  2. All these vaccine trial populations have attempted to represent the larger population as a whole in terms of demographics and comorbidity. We don't have anything specific on this trial since this was just a press release not the full paper.
  3. The US standard is already that covid contributed to death. 535k covid deaths 575k excess deaths 726k deaths of a combo of covid, pneumonia, and influenza since the pandemic began (the normal is 50k pneumonia/influenza) It's really hard to believe that 13 months in anyone is still discussing "covid with" in good faith.
  4. Poor countries do, unfortunately. TB is still a huge problem in the undeveloped world.
  5. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/01/28/960901166/how-is-the-covid-19-vaccination-campaign-going-in-your-state I like this site. Give the suspected ratio of cases to infections theres probably somewhere between 105 million and 125 million Americans have been infected (30 to 38 percent). Theres about 16% of Americans fully vaccinated Even with some overlap you'd expect 41% to 50% of Americans to have considerable protection. I would suspect there'd be herd immunity in June or so via these vaccination rates and prior infection.
  6. This is an argument against vaccine passports in the BMJ https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/03/30/covid-19-vaccine-passports-will-harm-sustainable-development/
  7. I'm mostly anti vaccine passport. I think most people will get the vaccine and those who don't take the risk upon themselves. Theres some solid equity argument against them too...well to do folks are more likely to be in a position to navigate the vaccine appt system.
  8. No. And that could be where some of that comes from. I don't necessarily trust our govt all that much but I do trust the science.
  9. The US really outsources everything.
  10. Takes on different flavors in different locations lol. That study was pre covid.
  11. Shit is pretty rough in Europe, especially Eastern Europe. Hopefully they can get the vaccination program in gear over there. Much of Europe and Asia has more vaccine hesitancy than the Americas, Africa, India, and Australia. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31558-0/fulltext
  12. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1165366
  13. You aren't interested in learning anything. I sourced why.
  14. Yeah I agree. I watch the JAMA interviews and they do try to use the letter/numbers but its tough for people to remember things like B.1.1.7. Especially with the variants, the UK was doing far more generic survaillance than anyone else a few months back. It was discovered in Kent but it could have very easily have evolved somewhere else. It's more likely that sars cov 2 started in Wuhan but that's not a given either.
  15. I literally said in my reply that the directive is not to call the variants by the place of discovery for the same reason. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1165366 2015. The pork industry suffered in 2009 because of the "swine flu."
  16. Virologists would never name anything the "China virus." The argument here is so disingenuous. Theres some comfort that there's only a single poster here that's used that term in this thread the past few months.
  17. They changed the guidance on this because people "blame" the country of discovery/origin and there's harassment and hate crimes against those individuals. There's efforts also to not name variants of the county of discovery also...to name it via the number instead of SA or Brazil or whatever.
  18. Someone from a few years ago would be very confused reading this headline.
  19. The cdc guidance if anything has been late to the party. Other scientists have been suggesting that there should be "benefits" to vaccination. The data is becoming more clear that the vaccine not only imparts good immunity but also reduces onward transmission. You dont want to construct this reality where you get a vaccine but then still have to do all the same shit you've been doing for the last year. If anything, that would increase vaccine hesitancy. I'm pretty sure it's just looking at your scenario as a low risk activity.
  20. Idk but the weekly excess deaths per the cdc are still in epidemic territory (I think its at least several percent above baseline?) I'm hoping that by early to mid summer it falls below that threshold.
  21. We need to get to the point where this is no longer a pandemic. We can't eliminate all risk. I'm a quite certain theres going to be some covid deaths every winter for years to come.
  22. Yeah, the risks of serious vaccine complications are on the order of 1 in 1 million or less that have been observed occasionally in past vaccines. Deaths are even more rare than that, even if Rasmus's ordeal is rare for a healthy person on my awful hockey team. US COVID Age Deaths 0-17 208 18-29 1764 30-39 5198 40-49 13997 These numbers are huge relative to any risk a vaccine would impart for younger and middle-aged people.
  23. Dr. Paul Offit who is like the vaccine guy discusses that in this short interview here. All the serious rare side effects that have occurred with vaccines occur within 6 weeks of receiving the vaccine. https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/video/what-are-the-long-term-side-effects-of-covid-19-vaccine This is also not a zero-sum choice. If you don't take a vaccine, you run a significantly higher risk of complications and/or death from covid.
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