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Everything posted by OSUmetstud

  1. The problem here is that basic factual arguments are now somehow become political. "Well, that's my view." When did the science behind masks and the science behind vaccines become political? It's literally not. Its about scientific evidence.
  2. People have time and time again tried to attempt to show you the logic error in your arguments against the vaccines and against the masks. You are not persuadable. Your thinking is usually on the edge of conspiracy theorist. It's been like this from the beginning.
  3. It's so ridiculous. What the hell is a hardcore pro-vaxer? When the hell did vaccines become so damn political? it's ****ing public health.
  4. lol @ defending this shit. What is wrong with you?
  5. lol. Face diapers and anti vax anti mask weirdos get no reaction from you. But calling those guys trolls? The humanity. Got the vapors now.
  6. Give it a ****ing rest. You're the only person that regularly posts in this thread lately that's anti vax. You have absolutely no self-awareness. You're the odd-ball, not the rest of us. There is literally a worldwide public health campaign to vaccinate the population. ****ing weirdo.
  7. Idk how huge it is. We'll see. I think in the end it will be less than 30%.
  8. Vaccines are literally going into arms right now at amazing rates. COVID will slow down a lot in the next few months. Because of the vaccine distribution, there's a huge advantage right now in preventing needless infections and deaths.
  9. Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right...
  10. You can't make an informed decision without the context...
  11. No one in this thread beside the doc who posts frequently would actually be able to figure out a real association of the complications and/or deaths with the vaccine. You only posted that to justify your own vaccine fears. Its meaningless without context.
  12. Alright fair enough. I did see the WHO comment on breathing, but didn't see any information on bacteria.
  13. Pretty sure that was never said.
  14. All the vaccine data is open to the public, independent scientists, and governments. We are not reliant on the pharmaceutical industry only to say its safe.
  15. Williams County OH and LA County have nearly the same population fatality rate...slightly over .2%. They probably have different values but over time the basic viral dynamics are the same.
  16. I think the argument works better the other way. Like if I'm in Australia or New Zealand or Africa or the Middle East I wouldn't necessarily want a bunch of unvaccinated travelers coming in to cause an outbreak in a mostly naive population with lesser vaccine availability.
  17. I still don't get the point overall. The people who don't get the vaccine are mostly punishing themselves by taking the risk with the virus. I think this group will be relatively small. 20 to 30 percent at most? Once those who get vaccinated that want to we will almost surely be well beyond the herd immunity threshold between infections and vaccine.
  18. Vaccine passports as originally slated were/are definitely about international travel. I mean they're called passports for a reason lol. There will be inequitable vaccine distribution across the world for a few years.
  19. I think the domestic arguments are stronger. But there's really no reason to screw countries internationally where there isn't enough vaccine for everyone.
  20. Worldwide they aren't. And there is already significant signs that the vaccine rollout hasn't been particularly equitable in the US. Much easier for someone with consistent computer access to get an appointment, for example.
  21. Seasonal flu seems about the same as covid for kids. 246 deaths so far under 17. But agreed. Also, can't require a vaccine for kids that's not approved yet for that population lol. I'm using the school requirements to show that there is precedence for a requirement when there is a compelling public health interest.
  22. What about all the people in the rest of the world, especially in poor countries who don't yet have vaccine access (and may not for some time)? Are they just not allowed to travel?
  23. You often need certain vaccines to attend public schools (childhood vaccines in elementary school and meningitis for college). Theres also legal precedence for the government mandate of vaccines in the US (see Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905)).
  24. Not bitching but I think there are some legit "liberal" type arguments against them because of equity issues.
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