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Everything posted by Tatamy

  1. Nice hail cores currently with storms near Trenton, NJ and Pottstown, PA.
  2. Plenty of lightning with these storms. Over 700 strikes in the past three hours on my Weatherflow detector.
  3. After the event that I had here last Sunday night I would have no problem if this ends up being a non event.
  4. 20z HRRR has a quick moving cluster of storms that would cross parts of the area around 10pm.
  5. Squall line is stretching it. Ten lightning strikes on my Weatherflow in the past hour.
  6. Minimal lightning activity so far with the cell just west of Allentown PA.
  7. Lots of rain and loud booming thunder with these storms so far.
  8. Real nice lightning storm in progress here right now. It’s all CTC however.
  9. Received 0.72” with the overnight storms. Highest wind gust 29 mph at 3 am.
  10. I am in the Bethlehem area. No hail here. The back door front is actually draped north to south over Bethlehem at this hour. There is a 15 temperature difference across the front. Weather Underground data shows this well.
  11. I actually drove down from the Binghamton area earlier today and traveled under the incipient stages of this line. I have no doubt you obtained some great shots from your spot based upon what I saw coming down I380 from the Scranton area. These cells were low topped but spectacular to watch as they evolved. Tonight I am seeing something I have not seen in the 14 years I have been here (I moved from LI). The Back door / seebreeze front has just moved a couple of miles to my west. There is about a 15 degree temperature difference across Bethlehem tonight with this front. That pales in comparison to the 25 degree difference across NYC last night with the same front. It is very rare that a front like this gets this far west from NYC.
  12. Just to make things interesting that line of showers and thunderstorms moving across eastern PA and NW NJ is putting down some CTG lightning.
  13. Still moderate to heavy snow here in Bethlehem Twp. 6.2”. 33/32
  14. Obs up in Hazleton PA showing mixed precipitation up there and they are up over 1000’. Looking like we have ourselves an I84 special in the making tonight.
  15. My. Holly has just issued a snow squall warning for eastern PA and western NJ.
  16. Steady very light snow 24/21 - light coating on paved surfaces.
  17. Who cares where he posts from?? The issue of timely warnings / advisories applies to everybody.
  18. Based upon the available model outputs the probability of 6”+ snow fall is not high enough to justify a WSW south of the Poconos in the LV. That is what the NWS is looking at. Maybe a WWA gets issued later.
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