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Everything posted by Tatamy

  1. Storm we had here was on the blah side. It was accompanied by a few bolts of CTG lightning however only 0.18” of rain so far. We are down to 74 degrees so that feels nice.
  2. 1.38” total from last night’s storms.
  3. Been pouring here for the past half hour. 1.15” and still coming down.
  4. No rain however the outflow dropped our temperature by 8 degrees.
  5. This is the storm headed towards Bethlehem.
  6. Waiting on this quick hitter rolling in from the west. If this breaks right I’ll pick up about 0.25”.
  7. There is now a line of towering CU through central PA as seen on visible satellite. This looks to be the beginning of the storms expected for later.
  8. Big bust on the HRRR for storms modeled for last night in eastern PA and northern NJ.
  9. Some showers have popped up in my area this evening. Even have a rainbow…
  10. 2.00” on the nose as measured here in East Northport on a local Davis station in the past 24 hours.
  11. Even though this morning’s rain is primarily along the coast I did manage to collect 0.93 at my home location in PA a little earlier.
  12. Cloudburst out here in East Northport.
  13. I’m in East Northport today. Heavy rain and thunder rolling in currently.
  14. 0.78” with this line as it starts to move away.
  15. This is a big time lightning producer currently. My Tempest has detected over 560 strokes in the past 40 minutes. We’ll see how long it continues in this pulse up mode.
  16. I am at 0.74” for the month. Maybe I make it over an inch with this for the month. Models kill it not long after it passes the Delaware.
  17. This looks like a 10 minute downpour with a few flashes of lightning.
  18. These storms were the product of orographic lift over the hills of eastern PA and the remnants of a weak frontal boundary. Once they moved closer to the coast they dissipated. The lack of any significant seabreeze frontal boundaries probably hastened the process.
  19. Picked up a quick .27” with the downpour moving through my area. Temp has dropped 14 degrees.
  20. We got rained out for our fireworks. Received 0.42”
  21. Are there any data reports from Lauriston Carriacou Airport? This facility is located on the north side of Carriacou Island and would have been in a good position to measure that gust.
  22. Maurice Bishop Airport is located on the far SW side of Grenada (Google Earth) FWIW it does have direct somewhat elevated exposure to the W and NW which would put it in a good position to measure higher winds. In any case it would still be too far away to measure a gust of 121 mph.
  23. And well south at that. I don’t even want to think what the winds on Carriacou and Union Island in the northern eyewall reached.
  24. Some pics of Union Island and Palm Island down there from a family vacation a few years ago. Soon to be paradise lost.
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