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Everything posted by Tatamy

  1. We are going to have many runs with many different outcomes over the next few days for the upcoming weekend. We will see results ranging from big hits in the mid-Atlantic, a crush job here, runs with precip issues along the coast, and any combination of the above. We then potentially get to do it again during next week with a greater chance of a region wide change to rain. Nothing is currently set in stone for how this all works out.
  2. This setup has been appearing in multiple ensemble members for days now.
  3. With the 50/50 low set up like it is it maybe the NE crew that has the most to be concerned.
  4. Let Walt do the thread for this one.
  5. Tomorrow will mark 700 days since at least 2” of snow was last recorded in Central Park (from the post at the beginning of this thread). I think if we get through January with this streak still going I like the chances of making it to 1000 days and then some before next years season.
  6. A SSWE represents the start of a pattern change. It is in no way a guarantee of a long term cold and snowy pattern. I will describe the issue in a simple manner. Over the past several winters we have seen the establishment of a very strong west to east jet stream over and across the northern Pacific Ocean. The significance of this is that it prevents the sustained formation of a ridge over the western states which would deliver cold air down to us from northern Canada. This said jet stream literally blows away this ridge before it can get established and covers the country in mild Pacific air which is too mild for snow. This was the issue last winter.
  7. FWIW there have been other periods where NYC had snow amounts of less than 20” over successive winters. These include: 1899 - 1901 1927 - 1932 1949 - 1955 1961 - 1963 1974 - 1975 1979 - 1981 1987 - 1990 1997 - 2000 2006 - 2008 None of these winter periods featured seasonal totals of 20” or more (I am referring to the seasonal totals experienced during these years and not the entire period shown). Many of them were 15” or less. These numbers are from the NWS Upton website. Unfortunately for the weenies it is a part of the climatology here that we do in fact experience successive winters with meager snow amounts. I would have hated to be a weenie in 1949 knowing that the next 6 winter periods would all have less than 20” of snow.
  8. You don’t even see a fantasy storm on the GFS within 300 hours on these runs. Every attempt at a ridge gets quickly squashed by that power house PAC jet. It looks like we really are cooked.
  9. I need to make the same commitment… lol - I do look at the ensembles as a reality check.
  10. I was up in northeastern Pennsylvania today where there was actually some snow on the ground from overnight snow showers. It was very hit or miss with some places having about a 1/2” - 3/4” OTG while many others were green and brown like these parts. I actually saw some blowing snow in one area - that was a shock to see. 2000’ in the Poconos got you 3/4”. I did come across one place where there was a shopping center with a sheet of ice in the parking lot. I don’t miss that. I am guessing that area will have a Christmas as brown as ours.
  11. Anyone else (NW NJ / NY)have a small coating of snow on the ground this morning? My low so far has been 33.5. I looked outside and thought this can’t be real.
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