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Everything posted by BlizzardNole

  1. This doesn't do it justice -- it was REALLY coming down for a while there! Dropped about a half inch in 15 minutes. I love that we are getting this in daylight hours.
  2. Heavy snow and 28; about 1.75 on the ground. Looks beautiful with the air-filling small/medium flakes. 2 miles NE of Germantown
  3. Oh they were bad! I saw a few cars slip, especially when starting from a stop. The unplowed neighborhood streets are easy; it was that half inch of new snow on Rt. 355 that was super slick. My 19-year-old son drives home from work at Wegmans at 6:00. Glad he took the Outback! I didn't do the proper measuring and I know was compacting earlier. I have 7" on the ground now with moderate snow, 28 degrees.
  4. Wow! What area of Germantown are you? I am next to Milestone near 355 and 27, and have closer to 6 inches. Just went around the corner to pick up a pizza and the roads are BAD again. Moderate snow and 29.
  5. Best snow rates I've seen all day - almost moderate. They never did plow our cul-de-sac so anything new will accumulate there.
  6. Congrats! That is an industrious young man there. Lot of kids these days are content to just sit around. Steady light snow 2 miles NE of Germantown, with larger flakes mixing in.
  7. Mother in northern Calvert just a few miles south of Wes reports 5.5. That area looks good for some ULL later on!
  8. Just cleared the driveway and walk with my electric snowblower. A cold smoke storm, it is not! That stuff is fairly dense. Right about 5" here 2 NE Germantown, and 29 degrees.
  9. Supernovasky: where in Germantown are you? I am 2 miles NE of Germantown, near Milestone. I have 4.8", 27 degrees with light snow.
  10. If Charlottesville gets 12" they will be sitting at 24" for the winter. That's nuts! 33 and overcast.
  11. Just got a report from relatives in Leonardtown, St. Mary's County with 5 inches; just changed over to sleet. What an over-performer for central VA to far southern MD! The VDOT traffic cams for I-95 in and near Richmond are a hoot.
  12. Glad to see the far southern reaches of our area getting a taste.
  13. Yup. Although before last night's 1.25 inch deluge (that's a deluge for my area), I was sitting at just 0.9 for the month. Mad at myself for not cutting my approx. 8" high grass before the rain last night. Uh oh.
  14. I voted for PD1 - 1979. I was in northern Calvert, which was the bullseye for that storm. I don't know what the actual accum was with the extreme drifting, but DCA I think was 19" and the amounts were much heavier by the Bay so say 30-35". The wind was UNBELIEVABLE, like 40 mph with gusts to 60. It was like a hurricane of snow with howling winds and such whiteout that the woods just 75 feet behind the house were completely obscured at times. One observer in the area later reported 6" in one hour that morning. My mother and her friend who was stuck with us tried to walk the 100 feet to where the cars were and actually got disoriented. They were legit scared when they got back saying that they almost got literally lost in the front damn yard! My mom said it was hard to breathe with the snow and winds so extreme. When it was over, cars were only lumps in the snow and we had 6-7 foot drifts. One funny story is when my dad finally got his '74 Charger dug out, it would not start. He opened the hood and found the whole engine compartment completely packed tight with snow. I have of course seen some great storms in Germantown since 1995, but NOTHING for me can top the Great White Hurricane of 1979.
  15. Just visiting to say hi -- I'm in Germantown but grew up in Owings (about 4 miles south of Dunkirk) so I am very familiar with how things go in the winter down there. But it's fun when it goes the other way isn't it? Remember the big January 25, 2000 storm? I ended up with just 7" from that, but my parents and siblings who still live down there (Calvert and St Marys) got like 15-20" and they were all over me LOL! I got lots of phone calls that day. My best memory was the Blizzard of '79. Northern Calvert was the jackpot in that monster. It still tops all of the storms I've seen since in my new area, including 1996 and 2010. I hope this Sunday night/Monday system takes a nice track and puts a swath of good snows west-to-east across the whole area. Good luck!
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