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Everything posted by BlizzardNole

  1. Nice thunderstorm in Germantown with a couple gusts to about 40 and some lightning. The best part is the temp went from about 95 to 72 in minutes! Still raining.
  2. Just 0.2 yesterday, but 5.5 for the month. What a string of above average rainfall months!
  3. At work in DC a few blocks from Union Station and barely missed the nice-looking cell to my north. Looks like lots of lightning on Radarscope with it. DARN!
  4. 3.2 from the deluge this morning and 4.5 since Thursday. As hard as it was pounding down here, I can't imagine the places that got 6 plus!
  5. I was checking out the crazy pictures on WTOP and they had this blurb at the end of the article All eyes turn to the south next weekend, where forecast models are hinting at a possible tropical cyclone in the Gulf of Mexico. Long-range forecasts are hardly a given, but any storm that does develop in the gulf will need to be monitored for weather impacts in the D.C. region early next week.
  6. Been doing well here: July 2: 0.7 July 4: 0.8 July 6: 0.4
  7. I was curious about the highest ever dew point, and found 95/91 at Melbourne, FL July 1987. Can you even imagine that?! I also saw a DP of 88 from Minnesota. Then there's the world record of 108/95 from Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. How long could someone survive in that?
  8. Looks like it's bubbling up towards Ballengers Creek now -- lots of lightning with it.
  9. I just went to Giant one mile from my house (see arrow) to pick up a few things. Heard thunder so checked Radarscope and saw the northern MontCo pop-up. It was still filtered sun and dry at the store. I get almost home and there's a curtain of mod/hvy, large-drop rain just sitting stationary right about the entrance of the neighborhood. Pretty good dose of rain -- maybe a half inch - while places 1 mile away got nothing.
  10. My fortunes turned today -- got a quick hitter for 0.2 a couple hours ago, then caught the edge of that severe warned one for another 0.5. About time!
  11. Wow I am just stunned. Great looking line with lots of lightning coming right at me and POOF it splits at the last minute and misses 2-3 miles south. Hardly any rain at all. This place in just incredible for missing thunderstorms. Maryland's dust bowl.
  12. Hot and dry here, and looking like no rain again. Some places like White Oak that got nailed yesterday are getting again.
  13. 91 here with a decent breeze. It's actually not too bad out. I'd LOVE to catch a thunderstorm later but I'm not holding my breath on that LOL. MAN does it look like a scorcher for the 4th! Not going to be pleasant for people on the Mall.
  14. Man these cells just pop out of nowhere and explode fast! Not looking good for me, but one could pop at any time.
  15. 91 here and longingly watching those scattered storms to the west. Petersburg, VA raking it in today -- after reaching 93, they've had multiple rounds of thunderstorms since 2 PM with 1.75 and counting. Raining and 67 degrees there now.
  16. Those orographic effects are crazy. I saw an annual rainfall map and his area averages something like 30 inches, while areas not too far away are over 60! He should have a rock garden LOL. I missed all the rain yesterday as well. It got close and we actually went under a warning at one point but it fell apart.
  17. Just sat outside for about two hours. So gorgeous! Perfect weather tomorrow for a college visit to Catholic U with our soon-to-be 12th grader.
  18. It's happy now, that was some much needed rain! 2.05 total. Luckily my yard drains well but the houses behind us, not so much. Their small back yards turn into rivers anytime it rains hard. One more round possible today then we bask in gorgeous weather tomorrow.
  19. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I got home at 6:30, saw the blank radar, and went out to water my parched gardens. A few fat drops started splashing down so I looked at Radarscope and saw a small shower developing overhead. Meh, kept watering. It suddenly darkens and starts raining pretty hard, so I stop and come in. WOW! That cell exploded over us giving us about 1 inch in 20-30 minutes, with decent CTG lightning. Then more formed just SW and trained over us. Finally winding down with about 2 inches in the gauge. Below is the shot of the first cell over me just minutes after it formed, and a wide shot showing how isolated it was.
  20. I remember hearing about people on I-70 getting caught from behind by that derecho because it was moving so fast. That is crazy.
  21. Hope everyone is staying safe amid all the severe weather and flooding. Remain vigilant!
  22. Did someone say thunderstorms? Bwahahahahaha! I was confident in no rain so I watered everything heavily this morning. All this talk of multiple rounds of showers and thunderstorms this week. Psssshhh. I am calling it now -- shutout.
  23. Alright sun coming back out and it's 77/66. Need to build up come instability.
  24. Wasn't expecting overcast and light rain at mid-day. Does this impeded severe chances for later today? I am coming out from under my weather blocking shield and going to Gaithersburg for dinner, and am hoping to see a thunderstorm.
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