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Everything posted by BlizzardNole

  1. I've just had it with six months plus of the year with dead looking leafless trees, gloomy cold springs flipping instantly to 90s, and boring winters. I want to be able to garden longer and have less months of looking at forests that look like dead sticks. I'll travel for a couple snow fixes per year. Happy for today though -- almost 60 already. Get those grills fired up later!
  2. Can't wait to retire in 9 years and move away from this climate hellhole.
  3. LOL at the 6-10 day outlook. Well at least we are hopefully looking good for tomorrow and Monday. Like others, I want stretch of dry so I can plant my garden.
  4. Chilly sprinkles and 48. Hoping we break into the warm sector later, but probably a little too far north. I am liking the look of next weekend finally bringing some real nice weather.
  5. After two very warm Mays (IAD with +5.0 in 2019 and +6.4 in 2018), I hope we are not due for a cold dreary one. We just knew back in Jan and Feb that we'd get a perfect winter pattern....in mid to late spring. Glad to see the sun coming out here now. Need to enjoy it with all the rain coming up.
  6. I'd love to see a snowy winter followed by a very warm April, average May and a cooler than average June one of these times.
  7. Wow it got down to 28 at Gaithersburg airport; still some frost in the shade here. I am hoping for a warm pattern to set in as my tropical milkweeds need a couple of weeks outside before they can go into the ground. Being a garden hobbyist, I am so glad they didn't shut down our garden centers.
  8. The butterfly bush is perennial, all the rest are annuals. If you only want annuals, I'd go with some taller zinnias and milkweeds with the smaller anual vinca in front. I love those annual vincas -- they look kinda like impatiens but are for the sun and rabbits won't touch them.
  9. Not too late to get a butterfly garden started! Get a couple butterfly bushes (I recommend "Miss Violet" - just 3-4 feet, full and nice purple color), a couple lantana, some zinnias and annual vinca from the garden center around mid-May. Deer and rabbits will mostly leave all of those things alone, and the annual vinca flower all the way to frost. If you want monarch caterpillars, look for some milkweed plants. 33 when I got up in Germantown -- no ice on the birdbath but some frost. Snow for our NE forum folks huh? They can have it.
  10. Still raining with thunder in Germantown with clear blue sky to the west. Was pretty wild for a couple minutes with torrential rain blowing in sheets.
  11. Main line is approaching and I'm hearing lots of thunder with this one.
  12. Really pouring now, but no thunder. Darn gutter is already clogged again.
  13. I'm just NE of Germantown -- just some mod/hvy rain so far. I don't like that hooky looking part on the SW end of that cell.
  14. Congrats! I see how close it is to Mt. Washington -- always a hoot to get the point-and-click forecast from the top of that thing. Surprised to find a thin layer of ice on top of the bird bath this morning. Looking forward to some sun this weekend, and maybe some wild weather on Monday.
  15. Sleet/freezing rain near Germantown, 30 degrees.
  16. Light snow and 30 near Germantown. What's going on near Hagerstown? Nice looking radar up there.
  17. I fully expect that to happen. We'll get an ideal pattern and a couple coastals to give us low 40s and rain in late April/early May. 27 and cloudy.
  18. I told family, friends and co-workers that last Tuesday's snow might be the only one of the winter. I hope I get shamed mercilessly.
  19. Wow that is a great pic! I love our cardinals and recently learned that they typically live their whole lifespan (up to 10 years or more) within just a mile or so radius of where they were born, and mate for life. We get a kick out of watching our male feed his mate seeds beak to beak. I thought we were done, but radar sure built back! Closing in on an inch.
  20. Just about over in Germantown, looks about a half inch. Given the winter we are in, I was just happy to see snow falling!
  21. Got about 1 inch here (two miles NE of Germantown); 33 degrees. Got a short period of sleet, and now very light rain. Shout out to Radarscope -- that precip depiction is really accurate showing the changeovers.
  22. One of my wife's coworkers lives in Manchester and texts us when it snows, like this morning. Can you imagine what that spot would be like if it was 2,000 feet?
  23. Just had some light flurries in Germantown. I thought "what the heck" because the sun was out with mostly clear skies out my window looking south. A cloud just floated overhead and dropped some flakes.
  24. The lightning was really bad in central MontCo. We heard a bunch of fire trucks going up Rt 355 which turned out to be a house fire from a lightning strike (see story below). Two Families Displaced by Lightning Fires
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