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Everything posted by BlizzardNole

  1. At Ocean City for the weekend. It was cool most of the day with a stiff south breeze off that chilly water - in the mid 70s with bout 20 mph wind. Then about 4:30 the wind stopped suddenly, then shifted west and it felt like someone opened the oven door. Went to 94 in just minutes. It was so hot that I went inside. Couple hours later it shifted back and you almost need a sweatshirt on the beach.
  2. Had a very busy workday and didn't know we had yet another big t-storm rolling in. It hit pretty hard with some 50-ish wind gusts, lightning and rain blowing in sheets. The purples on Radarscope were just north - I wonder if there was hail up there. Looks like about 0.7 more added to June's rich coffers, which now stand at 7.9 inches. Wow. Also dropped the temp to a nippy 62.
  3. Picked up 1.25 yesterday from two storms. Total for June 7.2.
  4. Ended and sun already coming out. About 1.0 fell in less than 15 minutes. This pic does not give it justice, but the yard behind us floods BAD when it rains this hard. The people on the right put in a huuuuge stone patio that takes up all but a couple feet from their back property line. Also the people a couple houses further up cemented their entire back yard. This makes the drainage a nightmare for the houses behind me. That stuff can't be compliant with codes.
  5. LOL. I get off work at 5:00 and went out to get the grass cut with recycling coming tomorrow. I check radar and there's nothing anywhere close so good to go for my 45-minute job. After two strips I hear a thundercrack and look up at the sunny sky. Shrug. A minute later I hear a LOUD crack and look at radar and see this new cell forming right over top of me. Within another couple minute it's raining hard with multiple bolts. Now it's raining in sheets, with close CTG bolts, and still sunny skies to the NW. So much for that job! *reaches in the fridge for a beer.*
  6. Good ground truth on LWX's radar estimate here. Just a couple tenths in my gauge with over 1" amounts all around.
  7. Ha can you imagine Jeb if this happened again: Huge Central Texas Snowstorm of 1985
  8. We've had three separate "thunderstorms" but only about 0.2 total of rain. So much thunder and so little rain.
  9. Big, severe warned storm weakened and split right as it arrived. Still enjoying some thunder but not much rain. Thought is was gonna be a gully washer until the last minute.
  10. That one that popped out of nowhere in western Montgomery County almost caught my kids out for a walk. They were moving when they got back LOL. Made it by two minutes. Rained pretty hard for a couple minutes with some thunder. Tiny little cell. Edit: severe warned already wow! Close miss for us for the big stuff.
  11. Got 0.4 again (three times in four days getting 0.4) for a juicy total of 5.55 for the month.
  12. My late 70s parents were coming up for a visit from Calvert today -- I told them to hold off and maybe we do it tomorrow. They called a half hour ago and said we're plowing through it. Actually slackening up a little on their route but still! Heavy downpour just now but ending.
  13. Wow Das that's an awesome picture. I see your heat wave continues up there! Got .4 from the showers last night.
  14. 10/10/79 -- had about 2 inches in northern Calvert. I was in middle school at the time - no one could believe what they were seeing.
  15. Just looked -- there are mid to upper 90s from Maine well up into Quebec while SW VA and western NC have some upper 50s.
  16. I laughed when I saw this. I have a very picky eater too. She's still like that and she's EIGHTEEN. I like Mrs.J's recipe list up there -- might try to add some in to our revolving list. Unfortunately my wife does not like to cook at all, so almost all of it falls on me.
  17. Wow what a difference over just about 35 miles from me! Don't drop a match up there. Hope you cash in over the next couple days. Seeing a couple peeks of sun. Maybe it'll stir up some showers.
  18. 0.45 yesterday, and 4.75 for the month so far. Big change from a very dry May.
  19. I was just out in my driveway with an umbrella to check out how my new gutter guards are working with mod/hvy rain coming down. Right as I am looking up at the roof, a CTG lightning bolt hits right where I'm looking. The loud thundercrack was about a half second later, so maybe 500-ish feet away. I moved real quick!
  20. Wow you're not kidding! Just checked Raleigh -- rain and 60, highs tomorrow low 60s. Sheesh! Meanwhile we are basking at 76 and partly sunny in central MD. I feel for anyone that went to the Outer Banks or VA Beach this week.
  21. Direct hit by the thin, heavy line of storms last night with 1.8 inches. Lots of lightning also.
  22. Got 1.25 this afternoon to go with the 1.15 from last night. Excellent! A luscious 70 degrees out.
  23. That was great! Got 1.15 out of three rounds spread a few hours apart. No big storm, but got a little bit of lightning. That was almost as much rain as the previous five weeks combined. A fresh, clean 68 degrees out.
  24. Even though it's just 73 out right now, you can just tell it's gonna be a hot one. Hoping for thunderstorms tomorrow. Speaking of "HHH" -- I noticed last summer that the hazy "H" was missing on a lot of hot days. Air seemed clearer. I remember those HHH days back in the 80s when the sky and air had that milky appearance. Yuk.
  25. Only 1.6 for May and no more than 0.3 at any one time. I am just watering the flower beds and letting the grass go dormant. These next few days are going to be GLORIOUS. Gonna be hot on Wednesday!
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