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Everything posted by BlizzardNole

  1. Well look who's #1 in the region for reported snow amounts! 02:50 pm EST - 12/16/2020 2 E STEPHENS CITY, VA 6.4 02:51 pm EST - 12/16/2020 1 SSW MARTINSBURG, WV 6 02:24 pm EST - 12/16/2020 4 ENE WINCHESTER, VA 6 02:45 pm EST - 12/16/2020 2 N POINT OF ROCKS, MD 5.8 02:20 pm EST - 12/16/2020 1 NNW BERRYVILLE, VA 5.5
  2. I am impressed with RadarScope -- as soon as it had red/blue over me, I switched to snow/sleet. Eyeballing close to 3" just NE Germantown; hoping we don't go above freezing and maybe get a little period of snow later tonight. Nice start to winter!
  3. Closing in on 2" just NE of Germantown. That matches my total for last "winter" LOL
  4. Those 10Z HRRR maps posted on the previous page would be ridiculous for my area -- 12.6" snow, 3.9" sleet and 0.19" ice?! Now I know that's highly unlikely but it would be nuts. Even the new Euro JI posted would be a huge win compared to my expectaions. 27/20 at closest station to me (GAI) but that spot runs cold. I have 29
  5. Ha for me that would be 2" My bar for the storm is 4" Starting the evening off at 37/19
  6. I remember a storm way back in 1978 in Kettering, MD where they were saying a brief period of snow, then rain with a low passing over the area. I was bummed. I remember walking home from school looking at the smooth overcast sky and how sharp the cold felt and thought how much it sux that it's gonna rain. Light snow started in the evening and turned heavy quickly. We got a completely unexpected front end thump with 5-7" in about three hours or so. The news broke in with special reports. It was so fun! When the changeover happened later that night into the next day it was mostly drizzle and the snow stayed around with temps in the mid-30s. The snowballs were brutal! Models were primitive compared to now but it would be awesome to get another surprise like that.
  7. Yeah I'd be tempted to do my 33-mile mini chase to Greenbrier Park off I-70 but man even there is looking dodgy now.
  8. Given the trends with this thing, my bar in Germantown is 4". Some of our forum's northern spots could end up with fat ice sandwich -- 6 or so inches of snow, a thick layer of sleet congealed by some freezing rain, then a few inches of powder on top. Enjoy!
  9. Sorry IronTy -- I grew up a few miles south of Dunkirk and know all about southern MD heartbreak. Once my job locked in DC I started shopping for a NW area. My family is still all there and they have fun with me when southern MD gets a big hit that I miss.
  10. Montgomery County Exec proposing new restriction to go into effect Tuesday at 5 p.m. if approved limiting retail store capacity to 150 total. There could be BIG lines for grocery stores that night! Man I can't wait for this afternoon's Euro.
  11. Rain and 39. It's amazing how different it can be so close by! I drove 33 miles to Greenbrier State Park on on I-70 once when I had all rain and even Frederick was a slushy inch, and found 5" with cottonballs coming down. I might have to make that drive again Wednesday if things trend worse here. My crusty old '01 Outback would enjoy
  12. It's funny seeing winter storm warnings in far western MD and severe thunderstorm warnings/tornado watch in the east. Here in between we never had more than mod rain; mostly just light. Radar est. looks like about 0.6
  13. Just move that system to December 5 and it will happen.
  14. Reached 30 for the first freeze. It's weird seeing all these temps in the 20s and yet Garrett Co. airport is 36 as the milder air moves in from the west. They were at 28 at 6 PM then rose all night on a S breeze.
  15. Next summer I am going to try a few in large pots, then bring them in for the winter. I love those plants -- flower all the way until freeze, low maintenance, butterflies and hummingbirds, and most importantly, our hordes of rabbits and deer won't touch it. Looks like we got a nice weekend incoming!
  16. My little warm spot got to 33. I checked my tropical milkweeds and lantanas and they live another day, which confirms it (they die instantly at 32). It's funny how this spot is one of the last in the area to freeze, even compared to Gaithersburg. Wow at Staunton reporting 22! I think tonight is the night though as my point/click has low of 26. I will go with 30.
  17. Just incredible. Year to date showing range from 30 inches in far north MD to over 70 in southern MD.
  18. Great stories. Can you imagine this board if that happened today with some getting 12-17" and areas not far away getting 2-4? Looks like southern MD is gonna get some more heavy rain tonight. Sorry about that Waterworlders!
  19. Wow what a story. You were right in the jackpot! I missed that one as I was at FSU. My parents in Calvert told me about it.
  20. The maples behind my house are all bare now. It's funny watching the ginko street trees in parts of the neighborhood -- they turn bright yellow for a couple days then dump all their leaves literally in hours, even if clam weather. They did this yesterday. Steady rain starting to move in now and 66 degrees, which was basically the low temp. I still have potted plants on the deck full of flowers. Hard to believe we had a massive snowstorm 33 years ago today!
  21. Yeah I call it "the dark" when the trees are bare, no gardening, and it's usually dreary, and snow is very rare most years anyway. I'm going to have to fix that when I retire in 5 years because 5-6 months of dark is way too much. But man is today beautiful!
  22. Thanks for these updates. You're gonna be making a lot of guacamole ha. We've got relatives on the other side in Marco.
  23. Wow the wind is ROARING out there! This should strip a lot of the remaining leaves off the trees. Lots of raking coming up next weekend with short sleeve shirts on.
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