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Everything posted by BlizzardNole

  1. Everyone is going to get suckered in again only to have the event arrive as an inch of snow/sleet followed by cold rain. Not me
  2. Oh I remember that one! It was in the 60s the day before and I was out and about doing errands with short sleeves. I heard WSW on the radio and laughed thinking no way. Damn if it didn't snow 7 inches in Germantown the next afternoon with the most beautiful, photogenic snow. It was the only event of that winter (and 1998 was a shutout). With this train wreck of a winter, I will treat all threats going forward with total doubt like that one. I don't care if we have a gulf baby with a perfectly placed high to the north. I am going to doubt all the way until it happens.
  3. I was heading out for some Superbowl snacks and decided to take the short drive up Rt. 27 to Damascus. I had 1" of slop on grass and wet roads at home. These pics are from just 6 miles from my house. It was about 3-4" new, including on parking lots. Car temp said 32 compared to 35 at home.
  4. Winding down in the Milestone UHI with only an inch on grass. Pretty pathetic compared to the expected 4-6 as of last night. I wish we could get just one event this winter that meets expectations and is not a fraction of the expected amount going in. I'm not holding my breath.
  5. I am at Milestone and can vouch for this. I've seen 3 inches less than five miles up Rt 27 when I had a slushy coating. The snow is pretty to watch but is not accumulating, even of the deck and grass. It's just keeping a steady state of about 3/4 inch. Very disappointing compared to the 4-6" expected! Oh well, I'll just enjoy the cottonball snow TV and the trees, and not look at the ground. Got some 2-inch plus chunks falling now. Oh if it was just 5 degrees colder!
  6. Mod snow in Germantown with large flakes, with a little more than 1/2 inch. Starting to stick to roads. 33 degrees
  7. Beautiful map MilleVilleWx! I am locking that up and tossing any models that disagree
  8. Nice to see Dunkirk in the 4-6" on the LWX map. Hi Wes!
  9. That Jan. 30, 2010 storm -- my forecast was 2-4" and my parents in Calvert were 6-10, so I went down there. They got 7.5" and back home in Germantown was 7" LOL
  10. @Ka60: do you mean approaching 9" using the standard 6-hour measurements, or 9" on the ground? Despite being so close, Clarksburg can get significantly more than me down here at the intersection of 355 and 27. One time in an elevation dependent event, I saw 3-4" on the ground a few miles up 27 when I had a coating of slush. Cute picture there @wxtrix! Likes to chase bugs huh -- just wait 'til the 17-year cicadas come this May!
  11. These bands have really made up for the bitter disappointment of Sunday. I never did measuring so I'll be curious to see what people nearby came up with.
  12. And raining in Boston hee hee. Sorry but with all their superbowls and blizzards, I get a little kick out of that. Nice snow globe effect with fluffy flakes. I love when it's snowing and the grass is completely covered. How about this little typo here LOL:
  13. Boston proper got just a couple inches and flipped to rain/snow mix all night. Mostly rain now and 34 degrees at Logan, while NYC got wrecked. Nice snow falling here now as I've just gotten under the band.
  14. And there it is -- just north of Sabillasville. The ob says they had 2 inch per hour rates for hours. Incredible!
  15. I LOL when I saw that Euro map with 5" for Germantown. I bet we don't see 5 cm. My prediction is just some snow TV with no accumulation. Never get excited ahead of time unless we have a Miller A low coming out of the Gulf and up the coast with arctic high in the perfect position.
  16. Still all sleet near Germantown. I checked out the Philly sub out of curiosity and was surprised to read about a raging sleet storm up there.
  17. Good thoughts. I'm over it now but I was checking out the cells in the Panic Room yesterday and WxWatcher had his sickle ready to go. I mean even the 10% low end amount for NWS was about 4" for me and I got 2". But like you said it's a long duration winter weather event and that's cool. Still sleet here and 29 degrees. Just imagine being under these echoes NE of Philly:
  18. Here's Weather Underground. I'm with you -- I don't like the new NWS radar https://www.wunderground.com/radar/us/va/sterling/lwx
  19. Light snow grains and 27. We sure kept surface temps over night! I should have waited to clear the driveway and walkway because now you could skate on them.
  20. Intensity is typically tied to visibility, with heavy snow being visibility of less than a quarter mile. I think of heavy snow as about 1 inch per hour. Not necessarily flake size as sometimes you can have large wet flakes but spaced way apart. Get this -- NYC could see rates of 2-4 inches at times. Man to see that.
  21. This has been a painful lesson for most of us. Stick to the formula next time we have a Miller B -- take your forecast snow amount and divide the lower number in half. For example, your forecast says 4-8" total, expect 2". Works 95% of the time. Works for clippers too. Oh, light frz drizzle and 29. Less total winter snow than Shreveport, VA Beach, Rocky Mount NC, Richmond and Madrid
  22. We are in Milestone, just north of the intersection of Rts. 355 and 27. I might be moving soon......to the Panic Room
  23. Bwaahahahaha even lower St Mary's County did better than pathetic upper MontCo. What a snow hole. We are the new Richmond
  24. If it makes you feel any better we only got 2" up here in Germantown well NW of the city and we're done. My forecast was 6-8 and my low end was 4". Huuuuuuuge bust. My thinking is we had a chance on Dec. 16 and failed and we had this chance and failed miserably again. We will not get another chance in a Nina winter. We're done
  25. Yup. Multiple 4-5 inch amounts down there. Places that have had more snow than DC: Richmond, Virginia Beach (LOL), Louisiana, central North Carolina, Madrid Spain Very light snow and just under 2" on the ground. Looks to be over. Starting to fill out paperwork for the Panic Room
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