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About BlizzardNole

  • Birthday 02/06/1967

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  • Location:
    2 miles NE of Germantown, MD

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  1. I have 0.56 for March! I don't love dreary, rainy days in April but I'm hoping for some
  2. 7-day qpf outlook -- the dry get drier. Gonna be a tough gardening season
  3. 0.56 for the month here, while parents in Calvert have 2.57. Same pattern as the snow this past winter
  4. No rain for me. Spring is gonna get ugly without some real rain soon
  5. Only about 0.20 after getting just 0.15 from the last rain chance. Now more howling wind for the next two days!
  6. Only 0.15 for me. We need some soaking rains soon or it's gonna get bad
  7. Looking at that map -- poor Charlotte, NC area!
  8. Happy to see clear skies instead of a cloud deck this morning! Looks like we squeeze in another nice day before getting locked down in low clouds and 40s/50s tomorrow and Friday. Sunday looking interesting for big storms
  9. Started at 36 and already 50. It's gonna be a great one and the grill will be working this evening! Just wish we didn't have that annoying back door coming in tonight
  10. Hopeful for good rain on Sunday. Only got about 0.35 from last rain event
  11. I am about snow over cold so I give it a C- Only about 11-12" total with better amounts to the south Never saw heavy snow during the daytime Every event ended up less than expected The late Feb fail left a bitter taste This winter reminded me of 1977 with long cold period but not much snow
  12. Noooooo! LWX afternoon disco talking about it. I will enjoy Monday/Tues as much as possible because now I think Wed ends up cloudy/breezy/chilly, aka our March baseline
  13. Winds gusting over 30 mph tomorrow wheeee! But man does next week look nice -- get those grills ready
  14. Gorgeous afternoon once the clouds cleared out. Might have made a run at 70 without the clouds earlier. Time to think of what to grill outside for dinner!
  15. This winter reminds me a lot of 1977 when we had a couple moderate snows adding up to 8-10" then extended cold and dry. Long cold spell with snowcover, but disappointing in snowfall amount. Now I am rooting for a warm early spring
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