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Everything posted by powderfreak

  1. Yeah I really like SE Mass now. I'd really love to be down on the coast just south of Boston. Almost all models have bands continuing there through the day tomorrow in a more organized fashion than anywhere else. The snow/wind/wave combo should be hard to beat south of Boston. I should've gone to crash at Tim Kelly's place haha.
  2. Haha I think that's hilarious...obviously once you get to the head in snow thrower sentence. Suicide isn't a light topic but we talk about it everyday in this forum...rope and chair, jumping off bridges, etc...this is a new one though, head in snow blower.
  3. Man that gradient from the CT River Valley to the immediate East Slope of the Berks is absolutely sick. 3-4" in the CT valley and 10-18" a few miles east into the hills. That upslope enhancement is pretty crazy because even some high elevation spots along the NY/MA border (west of the crest) don't have impressive totals at all. Then you can see the upslope again into the Catskills with 10"+ amounts showing back up. Its also evident in the ORH hills but not quite as drastic.
  4. Yeah that is disgusting... and remember all the CT posters absolutely freaking out about that dryslot only to have it get absolutely shut down as it hit the coastline. That was amazing how that dry slot was crushed due east along the coast.
  5. 2001 or 2011? I remember being very jealous of that inflow band you guys were getting in SNE... but you were due for a widespread whopper like that.
  6. What did you end up with in that after all those 2-4" or 3-5" TV forecasts? Up here I remember no one talking about that... I don't even think I was really paying attention until later that evening when I started seeing 1.5" QPF amounts showing up but still didn't believe it. Even that was a little low though as like NZucker I had around 20" of absolute tree breaking, power-out cement. I still remember trees down scattered all along RT 2 between Burlington and Waterbury. The evergreens took a beating in that storm.
  7. Thanks for posting that... that smoked a lot of folks in a very surprising way. There was no indication that much of the interior was going to get 1-2 feet and some higher terrain spots more. That was when the Catskills, Logan11, and Southern VT got like 5 feet in a couple days.
  8. Yeah that was a sick couple of days, even with the mixed crap that fell after the 24th... the summit of Mansfield had like 5-6" of liquid in a 72 hour period, with a net gain of 3 feet of snowpack. We got over 30" on the 23-24th (due to colder temps up high, better ratios, only 22-24" of cement down lower) followed by another 10" on the 25th then like 2" of freezing rain. It was like a storm cycle out of the Cascades or Sierra with tight snow levels and mixed precip but generally just a very moist flow.
  9. Haha, yeah if you want to kill a couple hours really quickly, spend some time reading through that stuff. I did that one night this past summer...just crack a cold one and live vicariously through the posts.
  10. http://www.easternuswx.com/bb/index.php?/topic/15964-historic-east-coast-storm-sne-blizzard-of-2005/page__p__160393__hl__walt+drag+blizzard__fromsearch__1#entry160393 Check out the above link for EUSWX posts from the Blizz of 2005... there's some great stuff from Walt Drag in there.
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