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Everything posted by powderfreak

  1. The GYX coastal plain (or at least outside the mountains) has seen the 7-10 split now... BTV's area has had several double digit events and now down south in the I-95 corridor. That's the SNE climate though. They may wait for it, but it's usually less events but bigger ones, vs. NNE is more frequency but average snowfalls lower.
  2. So looking at this storm though, in the grander context of this winter, this storm system to me seems like it wasn't the result of any one weather pattern but more "luck" of the draw (ha). Fast flow, no real over-whelming signal for a low to track where it did but earlier in the winter several of these did about the same thing as this one, but those tracked from like HFD to BOS or PWM. The storms we had up here this winter were very similar to that one down there, fast moving omega QPF bombs...maybe without the 850mb fronto....but widespread 8-16" NNE snows in 18 hours or so. But this same storm has occurred at least 2 or 3 times so far this winter, just like 50-100 miles north AND also down in D.C. They aren't "big dogs" from a mid-level look but they are just juiced fast movers. Maybe that's the luck part...fast flow energy ejecting out of the southern Plains and ripping along in the flow...unmanned firehose just spraying the energy up near New England. This time SNE got the track needed.
  3. You do owe some photos though, I'll hold you to that. I love a good snowstorm photo as most of you know.
  4. Hold up. They take snow measurements out where that red dot is? That's not even Boston. That's the Atlantic.
  5. Congrat's man.... really mean that. Been a tough winter down there of dark days and winter rain. When I think of your Dec/Jan/Feb, yeah don't wish that shit on anyone. Really nice to win one I'm sure. Need some pics later! Weymouth 1, Stake 0 in March .
  6. That looks like spring, it's almost like you brightened the photo up for affect. Windows down and arms hanging out the truck?
  7. From what I've seen (not all that much on this system) I'd say 3-6" seems plausible for you and eastern CT up to ORH. 6"+ in SE MA. Its possible a weenie ribbon of 6" is back your way with a mid-level band but I agree with the guys if it doesn't close and stays open wave, it'll be Advisory level for an arc from like you to Ray.
  8. You should enlighten him on what he should be looking at... what maps are you looking at DIT? SFC or mid-levels?
  9. 2004 Red Sox vs. Yankees ALCS...losing the series 3-0...Just need to win one. The rest will follow.
  10. This is awesome. The model is showing SE NE's geography benefit. It's like that is where the model thinks the coast-line should be but Mass just juts out into the marine.
  11. Hope you get a foot dude. Build a fort with the kid and watch it snow like it's 2015. You may legit have a shot at like 18" between the two systems.
  12. Coastalwx melts and then gets biggest event of season... get Bryce in that snowsuit!
  13. @Boston Bulldog yesterday was an awesome ski day. The dense few inches worked wonders on Mansfield too...finally could get aggressive with it. Stowe was empty yesterday and is near capacity today...yesterday was definitely the day.
  14. It's basically drowning in snow. Has to be so scary. When that UVM student died at Stowe in a popular area during the very deep, unconsolidated snow build-up in February 2017 (375" winter) it was eye-opening... no trauma at all, just get situated upside down in deep snow and can't get out of it. It is some hard shit emotionally.
  15. Posted this in the NNE thread but worth sharing in the Ski Thread too... Snow depth yesterday and today was 102" and 101" respectively. Only 1969 had a deeper depth right now at 108".
  16. My dream snow location. The orographic assist is huge there. The terrain change from the Salt Lake Valley to those canyons where the ski resorts are is incredible. Just straight wall of rock for the weather to act on.
  17. Unfortunately the icy conditions up here have not been good. I don't know if I've ever seen it this bad. The glades are straight pond ice, everything not groomed is extremely dangerous. Even what most skiers would think of as low-angle is slide for life. A skier died at Jay Peak yesterday when he lost a ski and then slide on the ice into trees. https://vtdigger.org/2019/02/11/west-montreal-skier-dies-jay-peak-striking-trees/ Up on Mount Mansfield yesterday, a local hiker (non-ski related) was on the Long Trail with his dog when he lost his footing. He slid through the woods, striking trees and suffered severe trauma and was airlifted by DART (flying out of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Hospital). This guy was just walking in the woods and it is literally that icy that even a slip on any incline at all will cause a slide for life through the hardwood forests.
  18. Glacial disaster up here too. We've got 88" on the ground and it is essentially a concrete foundation. It is very icy out there.
  19. At least there's still a ton of snow on the ground. Definitely looks like our first real "break" in the winter since the Christmas thaw this week.
  20. Suburban moms don't like that type of stuff lol. My mom would probably rather just stay on the lift until it's fixed in a few days. @cpickett79 had quite the meltdown rant on Stowe's Facebook over the fact that they only got a free lift ticket. In the past it would've been a hot chocolate vouchure as the industry standard and I'd love to know a ski resort that gives guests more than a free ticket in that situation. Maybe a free season's pass or something?
  21. Yup, had to evac the Lookout Double. Fully loaded line while the FourRunner Quad was on wind hold. Went as smoothly as those things can go and most seemed to be in good spirits. Sh*t happens. I got evacuated off the old FourRunner Quad several years ago, it was an interesting experience. The only other local lift I know that's had that this year is the MRG Single Chair had an issue and was evacuated, but with one person to a chair that makes for a more timely rescue.
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