Over 9" of rain since May 1st.
I see on the news there was a major landslide in Stowe. Estimated at 20 acres wide (that's huge).
STOWE, Vt. (WCAX) An active landslide has damaged a popular trail in the Mount Mansfield State Forest in Stowe.
Officials have blocked off the Cottonbrook Road trailhead off the Nebraska Valley Road, and those familiar with the area say the damage is devastating.
"The road was somewhere right here," said Steve Torrey with Snowmobile Vermont. "Trees falling, rocks tumbling, mud moving."
Torrey saw the damage when he rode his ATV up Cottonbrook Road early Sunday morning. "Acres upon acres of the forest completely disappeared. It had just slid off the side of the mountain and the river was washing it away. There was cracks in the soil leading up to the edge of the slide where you could tell that there had been structural damage to the mountain side" he said.
A group of mountain bikers alerted Torrey to the slide Saturday afternoon. When he saw it Sunday morning, he estimated it was about 20 acres wide, and actively taking out Fosters Trail and portions of Cottonbrook Road. Since then, he guesses it's grown exponentially. "There's a good chance it doubled in size overnight" he said.