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Everything posted by powderfreak

  1. It is funny how you can tell now where the snow was the last to melt. Even up higher on the mountain you'll come across some area where the hobblebush doesn't even have buds on them, while the ones 15 feet away are fully green... and you know there was a giant drift or rotting pile of snow that just melted within the last week or two there. This shot from over at Spruce shows where all the snow piles have melted over the past couple weeks...any ground that's not green right now, is recently melted out ground.
  2. Matches a gradient pattern from SNE up this way in terms of departures.... but no one would call June a warm month relative to normal to this point. But like I said, this time of year below normal but full sunshine is still pretty damn nice outside. Today for example...right now running -5 for the daily mean but it's plenty hot in the sun for it to feel like summer. Suffering through another below normal June day.
  3. How are June departures running in your neck of the woods? I honestly was surprised how low they were up this way at MPV/MVL/1V4. The weather has been nice and enjoyable but guess its been enough to average -3 or lower so far in the means.
  4. Well then it probably needs to be clarified... I think of "cool" as relative to normal. Not like hat and gloves weather but when I hear cool I think of relative to normal. Up here there's no beating around the bush, it's been much cooler than normal. The 3 ASOS climate sites in NVT east of the Green Mtn Spine: 1V4... -4.8 MPV... -3.4 MVL... -3.0 Theres no other way to describe those departures (and today will be another decently below normal day despite full sunshine) for the first 16 days of June. Down south it looks much more tempered with BDL at only -0.1 and ORH at -0.6. But the northern half of New England is riding some healthy negative departures. No other way to spin a -3 to -5 style pattern up here.
  5. It is similar to getting angry at the lack of big snowstorms by December 15th. But when you start expecting them on October 15th... yeah you might get a bit more impatient by 12/15.
  6. Yeah no complaints and it's been an awesome stretch of weather.... another full sun day today. Low of 43F this morning, now up to 68/46... not swimming weather but for hiking and wandering the mountains it is damn near perfect.
  7. I've seen this posted at least a dozen times in the past several days. Summer is going to come, just relax and wait for it. Right now, enjoy the low dews and 70s to low 80s.
  8. Hazy sunshine, mild temps and dry weather. The visibility was pretty good too but once south of Camels Hump it turned dark/restricted views.
  9. Clear and calm, fake cold conditions.
  10. I hadn't been paying attention today but after calling my father this evening, he said it had been a miserable day weatherwise down near ALB. 60s and steady rainfall all day. Looks like ALB has had 0.70" of synoptic non-convective rain today. Up here it was a beauty in contrast. 72/49 with CLR skies at 3pm in the afternoon. KMVL 161954Z AUTO 35007KT 10SM CLR 22/09 A2983 RMK AO2 SLP102 T02220094
  11. Bold but props for actually giving a number. Being +3 or warmer in July and August is scorching hot for a monthly mean...summer seems much harder than winter to get the higher monthly departures. I'd even say anything over +2 in July is very hot month.
  12. Is that showing a 33-40% chance of above normal temps, with a 60-67% chance of normal or below normal temps? Ha just having fun with probabilities.
  13. Beautiful up here with sun now. About to head out on a hike after the Farmers Market this morning...turning into a real nice day.
  14. You might be able to make a few turns down the rotting snowmaking pile along the treeline on Standard below Crossover.
  15. It was a nice Saturday in the neighborhood.
  16. Have seen a fair amount of sunshine so far today, getting cloudier though but has that filtered sun look.
  17. That's a winning combo right there... 80 and 43.
  18. Beautiful out right now in Stowe. 66/49 Looks like we got a good Saturday as long as we can keep those showers up near the international border...
  19. Nice dude! I've never had Foam but Beer Co has always been tasty. To me all the micro-brews are pretty good, the different companies just have different fl Tomorrow should be sweet, perfect weather for outdoor rec. It did look like the radar echos were developing over BTV, which is usual, but the precip often ends up drifting east by the time it hits the surface. Probably much more steady light rain a few miles east in Williston, the gradients are pretty sharp.
  20. A drone shot by @_j_staff on instagram of the Stowe landslide that occurred in the Mount Mansfield state forest in the southwest side of town. Pretty good sized area of earth that decided to give way back in early June.
  21. Yeah our pool is like 49F right now ha. River still feels like a couple degrees above snow melt temp. Cold afternoon and evening that's now becoming wet with cold season like upslope precipitation. I think DIT said he was at a soccer tourney in Williston, VT...just east of BTV. Hope he's enjoying some upslope magic. 55F sheet rains out of the low levels.
  22. Yeah not sure on that in June for the afternoon. I posted how I thought 65F for a high with some sun felt even a bit too chilly to enjoy shorts and a t-shirt.
  23. Yeah it would be hard to go with anything lower than A/A-. I'd save A+ for a similar winter but with a little more snow and less mixed events and/or rain, especially around the Xmas/New Years holiday period. To me it was frequent snows (active pattern) even if just 2-3" dustings mixed with several good warning level events (several 1"+ QPF snows) and an incredible snowpack season. My lawn was covered November 12th and that was it for grass until April. Even up here, that's hard to do without even one mid-winter melt out. I really got an appreciation for a big November though. The winter seems so much longer the winter season when you've already had 2-3 weeks of snow cover and winter weather by December 1st. So much different than waiting till like December 15-25 to get things rolling. Last year it even started in mid-October with well below normal temps and snowfall...like cold enough for light snow to accumulate during the day in October. I forget when I met up with Oceanstwx for a beer and all the SPC guys were in town from Oklahoma for the severe weather conference, but those SPC guys were going nuts because it was snowing and sticking in October. The winter just felt really long when you had it start solidly in October/early November and continue from there. By Christmas it had been 6 weeks of constant snow cover and a solid 8 weeks since it got cold and started snowing. I'll remember how much of a difference that makes in the overall "feel" of a winter.
  24. Ha I just wanted to know why you made it sound like you'd never use the NWS forecasts... like they are terrible and use at your own risk lol.
  25. It's all from the same database. There isn't two separate databases, one for Point and Click and one for Zone Forecasts. It just depends on the two different methods of formatting from what I've seen and what those Mets have said. One reads the ORH high temp as 77F with a wind of 9mph... while one will say "Highs in the upper 70s with west wind 5-10mph." But my point was you made it seem like the Zone forecasts are human and the point and click aren't. They are equally but just disseminate the info differently. The forecaster creates the grids and then from there the formatting creates the two different forecast wording.
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