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Everything posted by powderfreak

  1. Raining again and cooling off up this way.
  2. The current upper 70s temps at 8pm here are higher than the forecast highs for Saturday/Sunday/Monday/Tuesday though... Sunday's NWS high is only mid-60s for the valleys up here. That's one thing to love about New England. The weather never seems to be the same and it's just up and down with the temps.
  3. As was hashed out by all the A/C talk... the take-away seemed to be that some people work hard to make a living and support themselves, and while they do that they prefer to be comfortable when they are in their own homes. With that said, I've got the window fans and all 3 sliding doors open tonight. Waiting to see if we can pick up a quick temp drop but the sky doesn't have that look...there's some mid-level clouds and debris that make me think we are in for a mild evening without the real mountain valley A/C kicking in.
  4. Another hot one... 84F for a high, currently 80/56.
  5. True and 100s of miles of latitude too.
  6. And in January that 33F rainer missed a major snowstorm by 1 degree. In our mind that's a blizzard .
  7. I think that's the biggest difference I notice between down in CT and up north here a county south of Canada. The dew points. We often have summer highs not too much different than ORH at 1,000ft but nights are a lot cooler and the dews average quite a bit lower. The dews really make a difference, like in summer a Td of 57 vs 64 is palpable.
  8. Except Dr Dew....who wants it to be 87F inside when it's 75F outside. He gets points for that. But yeah, the irony of who wants the heat/humidity and who pressures folks to put in their A/C units is hilarious. You cant make this stuff up.
  9. Yeah my wife would push window units out into the lawn if they were cycling in April/May air in here because the windows weren't secure. I just paid a $150 heating bill for May to early June lol. I have to remember to stop the heat from coming on (set usually at 64F) at night when I leave the windows open. I'll wake up with screen doors and windows letting 48F air in the house at 3am and the heat cranking in June. It may be fake cold but it's real enough to trigger the heating system ha.
  10. Up north though, especially in the mountain valleys we cool off really quickly. I see people talking about setting AC at 72F or 70F... ambient outside temperatures are often below that value by 7-9pm so it makes more sense to use window fans and we have 3 sliding doors accessing the decks, so open those up and we get great air flow. Even on the hottest evenings my wife wakes up freezing and shuts all the doors at like 2am. Take yesterday, hot day in the mid-80s... but between 6-8pm the outside temperature went from 82-66. So by 8pm when it's still light out, the fans are moving mid-60s air through the house. The days I will use AC (a couple times a summer) is if I'm off work and at home and it's above 85F outside. I refuse to use AC when the outdoor temp is lower than the AC set temp.
  11. Especially with global warming, good thing you are prepared .
  12. Cheap is different to different people. Like some on here can't imagine paying $10 a month for high-res Euro model data...
  13. Much respect. You live and love it. Not preach it and then stay inside looking at the Davis dews through a frosty A/C window. I have AC but we use it maybe 3 times a summer.... though last summer was probably more like 5-10 times. Last night was mid-50s and pleasant sleeping. Window fans can cool it down real quick once the sun starts to drop.
  14. Crazy... Dew is 53F at IJD not too far away. ORH also mid-50s. Big difference in feel outside at 68F vs 53F.
  15. Almost time to throw DIT a bone. He's just trying too hard...every single post is "Torch", "Massive heatwave", "here it comes", etc. I'm picturing him at the dinner table muttering in tongues and mumbling "it's coming, it's coming, it's coming, almost here, the torch, almost here" while the wife & kids stare open mouthed in awe.
  16. We up to 84F but feels wonderful with a 55F dew. Summer heat with RH's in the 30-35% range, red flags waving. Honestly this would be ideal, warm enough to swim but not humid so you can do other activities without sweating out.
  17. They are in London, that's why. 7pm local time start.
  18. Yup. 80/55... Chamber of Commerce Day. Comfy dews in the valley and temps tickling the low 80s now in the low elevations.
  19. Hey at least you post model images that you found on your own. For some, it's been years since they posted a non-twitter model graphic...making us wonder if they even know how to find model data organically. To be fair, no where in that Twitter post did it say "massive heatwave"....though that was what was interpreted by some.
  20. 79/58 and blue sky. Winner winner day.
  21. It's like the Yankees vs Red Sox. Always go down with your team. Enjoy your day in the sun dude.
  22. Lol he took the bait hook line and sinker. Say something about Trump and social media and get a response that it was actually Obama who "weaponized" it. Gotta love American politics.
  23. Some good thunder and lightning this evening... followed by some sunset mammatus. Wish I had my real camera with me, pretty cool sky for a while as rounds of mammatus lowered out of the cloud deck.
  24. May not be a safe photo for work computers... he may swim naked like Wiz's friend's father in a hot tub.
  25. Give summer it's due credit dammit.
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