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Everything posted by powderfreak

  1. Already recovered over 30 degrees by 11am... 43F to 74F. 74/48 is nice.
  2. Yeah I hate the fading daylight. I love that right now I can take the dog out for a quick 3 miler at like 8pm. We were out last night at 7:30pm and my wife said “If it was December it would’ve been dark for 3 hours already.” Talk about a depressing thought.
  3. Yeah fits with climo and pretty much always expect a good 3-4 week period of more consistent heat/dews. I feel like every summer now we do run a more lengthy mid-summer +2 type run (+4 for torch spots like BTV). However we’ve been having very persistent pattern of cooler air intrusions for months now. Though obviously up this way and over to Tamarack can be a different beast than say south of the Pike when it comes to consistent heat/dews.
  4. Honestly this is the best type of summer pattern. Go a few hot and humid days and then mix in a couple 70s/40s before it ramps back up to hotter. A good yo-yo pattern for summer.
  5. Last summer we didn’t have nights like last night. 43F for a low. House was frigid, lol. Wife not pleased. It was like 57F inside. But I had best nights sleep in a week.
  6. Lost 20 degrees in the past 3-4 hours... down to 51F taking the dog out before bed. Hard to believe ORH is still 71F at 11pm in this air mass, even if they are staying mixed. Should have no problem getting decently into the 40s at this pace. Crazy part is the higher elevations are still reading in the low 60s on some PWS. Time to enjoy this perfect sleeping weather.
  7. Ha deep summer green. So lush from a lot of rain in May/June. All in good time. Loving all these sunny summer days though.
  8. Dropping like a rock... into the 50s by 9pm is the sign of a true low dew air mass. Getting too chilly to have all the sliding doors open, but sleeping will be great tonight. No sheets stuck to the balls.
  9. Everyone enjoying today’s perfect weather, dozens of posts about 10/10 or Top 10, pics of blue skies, and you are just completely ignoring it .
  10. Top 10 day. The clarity to the air is crazy after the haze recently. Visibility is easily to MWN in NH, hadn’t been able to see it for a few days. 73/48 in the valley. Sky seems almost cobalt blue. Great day for our staff on the hill.
  11. Was actually chilly this morning in the house with the window fans. Almost dipped into the 40s but alas, a min of 50F. Invigorating after the heat and humidity.
  12. Back down into the low-70s up here but dews remain high. Looks like the dry air is delayed behind the FROPA a bit. Had two good rounds of storms today, but nothing severe. Vegetation got a drink though.
  13. Gonna get stormy soon. 84/71 at MVL up here is about as swampy as it gets for the mountain valleys around here. Only had a low of 66F last night. These hours before the cold front are always the most humid and disgusting.
  14. It's 73/65 at MVL at this time in the evening...that's a summer night right there.
  15. I’m not sure we understand exactly what a drought is based on this post... What you described sounds like “7 dry days” not a drought.
  16. Yeah that seemed like plenty of rain. Even 1” in 10 days in July is barely below normal, probably within a standard deviation.
  17. Yeah had a low of 53F last night with a lot of time in the 50s to cool off the house. Meanwhile over in BTV they seem to barely dip below 65F these days. Hot day today though... at least this hot: BTV...90F MVL...88F MPV...86F Works our nicely based on the elevations of each station.
  18. lol look at ORH. You have to go to Newport, VT or CAR to get a similar value. Wonder if the elevations of NE CT are similarly cool?
  19. Moved in up here too. Feels a lot cooler without the sun.
  20. Yeah you do and you have every right to do it. And every other citizen has a right to do that whether you agree with them or not. I’m not sure how Nike entered this discussion, ya. I stand for the flag but I am fully supportive of others if they don’t. If someone wants to do a handstand instead, that’s there right. Anyway, this is what the 4th feels like. Hot and humid. And we are lucky to live in such a good society where we have enough free time to argue about stuff on a weather forum.
  21. Yup. Rebellion is part of what made America what it is today. What led to the 4th of July was all about rebelling against an unwanted government. Celebrating the 4th while hating on people who stand up for what they believe in is an interesting dichotomy.
  22. Must’ve been the same person calling for 90s every year from May through September.... there will never ever be a hot summer day forecast that goes unforecast by that person .
  23. Ha yeah, I always love those who call it “dope” too... “Those skiers are smokin dope over there”.... not 1991 anymore.
  24. Innsbruck is near tops on my list too. The wife and I have been considering a move as we don’t have kids yet and are still reasonably flexible.
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