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Everything posted by powderfreak

  1. Ice storm to boot. Nothing like a solid glaze on top of a deep snowpack for preservation...but painful for us skiers
  2. Awesome. Ha that was cocky of me but I also know Tamarack has logged more hours in the woods in his life than I can ever imagine. Looking back on some good times, here’s what my 20s pretty much were in the winter season. Measuring snow, taking photos, ski area communications... this video from 5 years ago forgot to show posting on the wx forum:
  3. Tell me about it... in my 30s now I feel like life is almost over .
  4. The base area can get around 90F at 1,500ft but I think last summer set the 4kft all-time temp record of 84F or around there. Obviously those days are 95+ at BTV. But I think the “outside” factor is where my obsession with dew points comes from. Even 78/72 like last Friday before the storms was obnoxious outside. I’d rather 85/48 all day long. And it’s not as taxing on the staff. Unfortunately I don’t spend nearly as much time at 3-4kft all day anymore... moving up the chain into management keeps you in the base area and on the ground more. Now the college kids and guys in their 20s get to enjoy the full day up high.
  5. It is easy to see who works outside or spends the most amount of time outside. I’d bet I spend more time outside than most folks on this forum, if not spending the most time outside. I find myself just wanting comfortable weather because of that. Whether it’s ski season or summer, my preferences tend to fall into the 20F to 75F range. In winter I just need it cold enough to snow, and if it could be 28F for 4 months straight that would be perfect. The desire to work and ski in sub-zero cold has been long gone. I have no desire for arctic outbreaks for a month or two. Just like doing summer operations at a humid 90F isn’t that fun and I have no desire for that for two months straight. Now, I get you folks that work inside at a stable, comfortable temperature all the time...I bet getting out of work and having that high variation (whether it’s 93F in July or -10F in January) makes things more interesting. But spend most days out-of-doors over a decade and I bet the preferences start to migrate towards the more comfortable range and less on the extremes. Anyway, 80/50...sunny... Top 10’er and time to get done, grab the dog and go for a hike to 3-4kft.
  6. Humans like comfort. The majority of people don’t like high heat and humidity, and they don’t like deep cold and ice. Theres a reason why California 78F year round and sun appeals to so many people. This isn’t that hard to grasp. People like to be comfortable. It’s why you put you AC in for summer and use heat in the winter. Poll your family... see who would rather live in 90F and humid vs 74F and comfortable. I bet you lose to the wife and kids.
  7. Yeah good point, almost like the hangover from winter. Not only are the normals lower up here than areas to the south, but the departures have been cooler too... so that already baked in climo gradient from south to north seems even further magnified.
  8. Yeah different ballgame up here I guess and seems like it has been for months. More muted positive departures and deeper negative ones.
  9. We are only +0.7 for July so DIT’s “furnace” seems a bit of hyperbole. Last 2 days are 74/48, 80/43 and today probably 82/46. Sunday was -7 departure, Monday -6, today likely -4 or so. 5 above normal days, 4 below normal days...pretty standard fare up here.
  10. There’s no denying a pattern change. After the below normal April/May/June, it’s certainly flipped to above normal in the means. But we’re in a stretch of 3 solidly below normal days right now after 5 above. Yo-yo.
  11. Ha yup I’m with you there. I went to Phoenix once in June and I think was near 100F walking out of the airport, and it felt like stepping into an oven. But 5 minutes later you are used to it and oddly it didn’t feel all *that* hot. It’s very weird. But I want to do the like 120F type temps. Its so different from walking out of West Palm Beach airport where it’s only 88F but your body is just instantly damp and soaked within minutes of going outside. Almost like an allergic reaction to 88/76 where your body can’t produce enough water to cool you off. Meanwhile you feel like you could do a 5-mile run at 100F in Phoenix and hardly break a sweat.
  12. Shit I had no idea it was that hot with a high min. That’s more than legit. Probably a 96/80 type afternoon with the BDL temp/mulch dew combo.
  13. I think you touched on why in your post... the dew point has so much factor in how it feels outside that it almost seems more important than the temp. I know at the mountain our outdoor staff of 50 college kids and international students working a variety of activities, lifts, etc that the dew point seems to impact them more than temperature just anecdotally in how they perceive the day. Most of them have no idea what a dew point is but the humidity plays a huge role. The dew point is like the summer version of wind chill and has a real impact on comfort outdoors. A 5F day of skiing can be real enjoyable with no wind, but 5F with 40mph gusts can be brutal. Same for summer, a 88/55 day can be pretty decent to work outdoors but 88/70 is just dripping sweat and soaked outdoors.
  14. Those dews last summer judging by some of the mins were the real story it looks like. Nights in the mid-upper 70s at SNE stations. Even in NNE, I think BTV has some obscene 80s at like 3am lol.
  15. Ha not quite that high... looks like BDL had a variety of mid/upper 90s with mins of like 73 or 74 but you’re right, no century mark. 101/74 or 98/74...all fukkin hot lol.
  16. Ha true, making low grade BDL heatwaves sound like last summer’s 101/74 days. Probably could sell Mreaves another LG washing machine.
  17. I don’t know, he might be able to make it seem like last summer by using the temps at BDL and combining that with the mulch bed Davis dews, lol. Still blows my mind that all that gets posted are BDL temps and 10 day BDL forecasts to argue temps... but then quotes his 64F Davis dew as a sign of it being humid when Td’s are ORH 49F, BDL 55F and IJD 56F. Its really incredible lol.
  18. Man that’s too bad. I just had a bearing come loose in my Electrolux (part of Frigidaire) washing machine and caused the spin cycle to oscillate and caused all sorts of damage to the back of the machine. It had a 1 year warranty and this was after 14 months. The washer is said to last 7-10 years. I was 100% certain the company was going to bone me for being 2 months beyond the manufacturers warranty but lo and behold, the woman on the phone honored the warranty and on top of it gave us a free 3-year parts and service warranty (they sell it for like $200). I was blown away. It ended up taking 3 weeks to fix due to needing a bunch of new parts, but the service guy said it was definitely a manufacture defect. I’m not stoked on the quality after hearing that but the Frigidaire customer service won me over and it cost nothing out of pocket to fix. Funny how easy it is for a company to win customers over with stuff like that but it’s also so easy for a company to f*ck it up if not handled right.
  19. I bet anything in the mid-60s or below for a dew on his Davis feels pretty darn comfortable judging by what the ASOS’s show when he’s at that level.
  20. Oh I forgot we use the BDL temps but not the dews? Next time there’s a “heat wave” let us know what your Davis says for temps. Funny you haven’t once referenced those lol. But yesterday all the ASOS’s were nice comfy days. Judging by the amount of Top 10 or 10/10 posts yesterday most in SNE felt those lower dews.
  21. BDL had dews in the 50s all yesterday afternoon. Even IJD had dews down to 55F yesterday. Those obs look pretty different from what you are describing. Nothing remotely close to mid-upper 60s during the day yesterday? Heck even ORH tickled a 49F dew later yesterday afternoon ... you live between those three sites right?
  22. 80/48 is a glorious observation for 3-4pm in the afternoon in July. Plenty hot enough in 80F and mid-summer sun to swim, but also real enjoyable to do other things like golfing.
  23. Don’t forget yesterday too. Pretty much half of the week. But yeah besides that the other half of the week was hot.
  24. Yeah it moved 2 summers ago I think it was? MVL used to be literally on RT 100...like if you used google road view down RT 100 between Stowe and Morrisville you’ll see the ASOS like 25 feet from traffic. It was also near a cluster of trees that was growing into it. They moved it further out into the airfield but near a small depression too...I think it lost like 25 feet of elevation too. It definitely helps with big diurnal swings. I did used to think it could run colder but with so many PWS popping up there are others around Stowe (near Golf Course) and then one north of MVL (closest PWS) often match it for low temps. It’s so hard with the micro-level difference around these parts...even PWS can be next to each other but one’s 50-100 feet higher and 6F warmer at night.
  25. I remember driving by MVL a few summers ago and it had like 2-3 foot tall high grass inside the ASOS fencing while all around it outside was mowed like a crew cut.
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