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Everything posted by powderfreak

  1. Damn those are big departures. We are ticking up a bit here at the ASOS east of the Spine. BTV torching like it does. 1V4... +0.4 MVL... +0.7 MPV... +1.2 BTV... +3.9 One of those is not like the others though...
  2. After the recent rains, we are up to over 15" in the past 2.5 months. Averaging 6.3" per month.
  3. 69/60 up here at last observation... feels better but still not quite the same as those mid-50s type dews and lower. But this isn't like a rapid drop to a 50F dew or something. Still a bit of humidity and the forecast calls for a gradual lowering of dew points into the mid-50s by midday tomorrow up here.
  4. It gest exciting, quickly, in mountain drainages that absorb a large amount of water...some torrential rates. Unfortunately most campgrounds in NNE have a stream/river nearby that can flash flood when it drains the higher elevations... but this air mass can rain it seems.
  5. Props for owning it... you can always back it up with data, which is refreshing in a hyperbolic world.
  6. Some real good lightning strikes in this guy. Tropical rains, easy to see how some of you saw torrential short-duration high rain rates. Popped up out of nowhere over the Spine of the Mtns... the benefits of living just east of the higher peaks in the summer is plenty of rain for the gardens. Updrafts start as air backs up on the western slopes and then it rains it out on the Spine and eastern slopes.
  7. Ha it’s like a sporting event... dews or no dews.
  8. Humid evening with stale air up here... no breeze and dews upper 60s. Today was one of those days where it feels ok and then a 10-min shower rolls through, leaving minimal rain (under .10”), but all it seems to do it increase the low level moisture and humidity.
  9. Pretty sticky out there. 80/67 but clouds keeping it in check.
  10. Yup you probably should. I run conservative depending on the event, I don’t want to over-promise skiers. Better to expect 8” and get 12”.
  11. Yup that’s the best way. Like the other day when he said mid/upper 60s dews at the mulch bed but ORH had a Td of 49F and 55F at BDL. And always assume quoted temps are from BDL and quoted dews are under a sprinkler. Any rain will also likely be downplayed significantly...unless it’s from severe storms at which point it’s time for tornadoes.
  12. That’s when I take the bait... even knowing he’s trolling, I hate non-factual information or just blatantly wrong hyperbole. We get enough of it in the media and politicians.... don’t need to do it on a science based forum.
  13. Down to 63F... comfortable with good air flow. Almost chilly with a fan. Who needs A/C? The difference from here to BTV is pretty incredible with a 4,000ft ridgeline in the middle. Windy and warm, vs. calm and clear radiational cooling.
  14. Ha, that's pretty good. I'd buy it. Best seller prior to modeled coastal bombogenesis?
  15. Lol is that really showing 175kts of wind just off the deck?
  16. Got up to at least 87F today up here off a low of 54F. That’s in “hot” territory for here. Feels more humid with dews in the upper 50s. Noticeable from yesterday’s 48-52F dews. Still some high diurnal ranges this month...only 33 degrees today but was just shy of a 40 degree spread yesterday.
  17. Dendrite posted some departures that blew my mind... like +5 to +6 for MHT and PWM or something like that. How in the world is it so high above normal in that part of NNE? Over this way it’s: MPV... +0.9 MVL... +0.3 1V4... +0.2 So basically normal, but you can tell the MVL/1V4 ASOS spots that radiate a bit better are likely leading to that extra few tenths of a degree. Just crazy at how high above normal some other New England stations are.
  18. Some of those departures down in SNE look a little out of ordinary... the +4 to +6 at like ORH up to PWM is fairly impressive even if only 10 days in.
  19. It was crazy yesterday afternoon on my hike. The view from 3,600ft was just like an orange haze in the late afternoon sun. Could only see a couple peaks north and south on the Spine before becoming obscure.
  20. Good smoke today after yesterday afternoon’s haze. Hazy conditions will continue through much of the day as smoke from the Canadian wildfires remains over the region. Some of the near surface progs from the HRRR are showing smoke reaching the ground in the afternoon so those who are vulnerable to air quality may need to be on alert this afternoon into the evening
  21. Holy shit. That’s incredible. The 3 ASOS east of the Green Mtn Spine in this area are +0.9 (MPV), +0.2 (1V4) and +0.3 (MVL).... so all between 0 and +1. You can tell that MVL and 1V4 have slightly lower departures as they radiate a bit better. But I can’t believe SE of the mountains has been such a torch, that’s a huge difference.
  22. Yeah man... was 80/50 this afternoon while hiking and it was perfect. When the humidity stays down, there's a big difference between sunshine and shade. Direct afternoon July sun is plenty hot at 80F, but step into the shade when the dews are low and it feels chilly comparatively.
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