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Everything posted by powderfreak

  1. You talking about that swirl moving north of NYC?
  2. More standing water from you to me, ha. There was a small lake in the lawn next door after the downpour moved out up this way. Been a wet summer for sure. Seems like every time it rains it's >0.5".
  3. 0.71” up here at the local PWS. Stations up near the mountain had 1.2-1.4” though... just missed it by a couple miles.
  4. Torrential rain. Impressive. No real lightning though.
  5. Ahh the desired weather is easier to get. Or as Tip likes to say, it’s easier to hit that pleasure circuit in your brain in the summer. But yeah makes sense, temps are easier to achieve than precipitation (snow). If all we wanted in winter was 32F or lower, it’d be easy...just like 90F at BDL/BOS is easy.
  6. I was going to say rainstorms in winter are pretty iron clad too. Much easier to get a snowstorm to trend into a rainer than the other way around.
  7. Jesus. It’s 77/69 at MVL and 74/68 up here at the ski area and I think it’s terrible. Can’t imagine 90s and this humidity.
  8. Humid at 72/70 with occasional rain this morning. Swampy.
  9. The ORH temps are pretty boring in summer though, that would be hard for someone wanting to shout torch to keep quoting upper 70s and low 80s. Its basically like a NNE site for highs.
  10. lol props for being honest about it... but cherry picking sites to fit an agenda seems a little disingenuous. If everyone picked their perfect summer and winter site, we’d have obs all over the place .
  11. Might have been a long time ago, as I only remember you quoting BDL temps in summer... unless it was like a decade ago. I do remember discussion about MPM temps though. My one question is why the change from summer to winter the different stations?
  12. C’mon, you quote your temps all winter long without one mention of BDL . You only care about BDL in JJA. We’re just ribbin’ ya, we know how it goes. But it’s like me using BTV as my climate site, not much in common.
  13. BDL stands out a bit more though when compared to say HFD.
  14. Brutal summer day then struggling to get to the mid-80s? Its gotta drive him nuts if he loves the heat to sit at home while it’s 82F and see BDL cruising into the 90s.
  15. Didn’t you just spend a half hour explaining that you live around 1,000ft? Judging by ORH, you probably hit what, 81-82F? BDL seems to run high too... 13F difference today from BDL to ORH? They’ve been doubling the dry adiabatic rate lately.
  16. Topomaps are more accurate than apps. Trust me, I use a lot of both to get elevations around here. Phone GPS apps can be off by up to 100ft or more at times. I could go to the same spot 10 days in a row and get 10 different elevation estimates on various hiking/skiing apps. Now they aren’t off by much but they’ll be different every time. Google maps and google earth, topographic setting, is the most accurate and it’s even used in construction planning on the hill.
  17. Not during the day/afternoon. I’ve seen it enough that it’s not rare. 79F SLK and 79F ORH right now. Of course by 9pm SLK is 15F colder, ha.
  18. Pack intact at 700ft where it’s 30.3F while 1,000ft Davis is stuck at 33.3F as snow eating wind whistles through the trees?
  19. There’s really nothing to get air sinking at ORH... you’ll never have that compressional warming there it seems.
  20. Yeah you can see it in the diurnal changes... ORH has like a 16F swing as opposed to 30+ degree swings at 1,000ft but in a valley. Hell, ORH can be cooler during the day than SLK at 1,600ft because it’s surrounded by 4-5kft peaks.
  21. It’s also that all 1,000ft els aren’t created equally... I think ORH benefits from being highest terrain around. Different from like 1,000ft in a NNE mountain valley (see HIE, BML). Even yesterday AFN was 3F higher at 81F despite 1,000ft because they do have some higher terrain around them.
  22. ORH up to 78F... might hit 80F today in the hills.
  23. Be interesting to see the departures at this time next week. So far for the first half of July we are back to +0.5, after the past 2 below normal days. Average high/low so far is 82.4F and 53.6F, but those will both be coming up over the next week.
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