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Everything posted by powderfreak

  1. Wouldn't MOS, even in the really short term, have a bias towards normalcy as opposed to extreme? It may not affect it much at such short lead time but I have to think MOS is going to lean more than other guidance towards the middle of the road?
  2. 89F for the high it looks like... possibly first 90s of season tomorrow.
  3. Well said. Need to save this as that’s the reason I use the ASOS dews. Growing up I related how I felt outside to whatever the ALB airport reported. I didn't know what it was in my backyard but it didn’t matter because the main weather site in the area was ALB. Maybe it was 2F cooler in the backyard and dews were 3F warmer but it’s all relative to what that ASOS says in my mind.
  4. No the issue has always been the home stations can’t be compared to the ASOS because of the siting differences. It’s comparing apples to oranges. Many of us grew up watching the Weather Channel or local news and they always used the ASOS station observations. It’s why you like BDL because you see it on the news and it’s the station you care about. But with dews, you’d see 55F at the ASOS and say “it was comfy today”, even if your backyard dew under trees might be 63F (you never knew or cared, you just watch the airport obs)....you associated what you felt to what was listed on TWC (Local on the 8s). If the ASOS was showing 68F dew, you were like wow today was real humid but you never knew the dew in your backyard was 73F. I think a lot of us just associate our “feel” for the weather with what the ASOS says because that’s what you had growing up to look at. And back in the Eastern days, most of those home stations were pretty poor quality too. The ventilation/fans and technology of home stations has increased a lot in the last decade.
  5. I’ve never seen Will or Scooter argue that the tarmacs weren’t drier?
  6. I mean think about it, you basically live in a forest and I know in Woodstock, CT most of my family does too. Tree canopy everywhere. Move that out into a field with the nearest tree a mile away in all directions, no wonder the dew is lower and temp higher. The PWS with the highest dews, usually have a lower temperature too.
  7. The radiators might come close in the evening... if we get a pop up shower or storm off the mountains this evening I bet MVL could do it. That initial sun down decouple can raise the dews a quick 5-7F.
  8. Haha still doesn’t explain why so many warm records and lack of cold records.
  9. The difference between the shade and the sun right now is insane. Sun feels like a sauna.
  10. That is the ticket and it depends on what each person views as a crisis... many are thinking about generations down the line, not like next year everyone is dead. Same for the immigration discussion in this country... it’s an existential threat that has a high likelyhood of never affecting most people. It’s not unlike climate change in that yes most think it’s happening and it depends on how much you think it’s a crisis or care. But personally it likely won’t affect most people.
  11. He tries too hard. I’m not sure what his stance is, if it’s not AGW or if he really believes there’s no warming happening but whenever I read him it comes off as if he’s trying to convince himself more than anything.
  12. NAM delayed the boundary I think, gets it really hot up here again. Big bust potential tomorrow around here on temps... could be like 90F or 78F tomorrow afternoon.
  13. There’s the Sunday relief up here. That’s a solid gradient from upper 70s to near 80F in NVT/NNH to 100F on the coastal plain SE of the Mtns.
  14. See where it jumps down to negatives? That means it’s registering too warm compared to other stations around there. The expected temperature is lower (negative) from what BOS is showing.
  15. Haven’t decided yet... it’s ready to go, maybe first AC run of the season? This is about as hot as a zone forecast gets for us: Saturday...Partly sunny. Hot with highs in the lower 90s. West winds around 10 mph. Heat index values up to 100.
  16. Last summer any dew below like 67F felt like a crisp Canadian air mass lol.
  17. You’re right in that I consider 50s at ASOS chamber weather... but pick your battles, if you try to make 75/63 sound brutal it’s just not worth it. Judging by the temps BDL registered lately, I can’t imagine anyone there is calling it hot and humid. It would be summery up here though, true...but you’d hate it up here in ACATT land where departures are normal so far for June/July.
  18. It does sound like a brutal combination that’s for sure. Stay safe down there, man.
  19. It was 75/63 at 3pm? You do know they keep records of these things?
  20. ACATT community up here in Ski Country... Followed this license plate and another that said “STOSNOW” today.
  21. Might have found Dendrite’s trigger lol.
  22. Mountain valleys could make a good run like IZG, BML/HIE, MVL/MPV, etc.... we seem more prone to better mixing with the differential heating that goes on in the mountains. Wonder if we can pop a 95F on Saturday if it dries out to mid-60s dews?
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