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Everything posted by powderfreak

  1. 73/50 with gusty NW winds and full sunshine? Perfect.
  2. lol wut? Aren’t those literal model temps? Who cares if it’s displayed on a map or on a chart? Now maybe the model T-2M is biased but that’s another story.
  3. You two can be like nails on a chalkboard, lol. Dont use charts, don’t use models, why would any weather enthusiast actually look at something like that?! Just go with the EBFS...emotion based forecasting system.
  4. It was a pretty impressive and active day... fast moving cells in the cold pool. 4pm on August 10th, temp of 55F? That's really cold for the valley this time of year for the diurnally warmest part of the day. Evaporational cooling FTW. 55/51 with 1.75sm +RN Gusts 30+ KMVL 102022Z AUTO 30005G28KT 1 3/4SM +RA BR SCT030 BKN050 OVC070 13/11 A2980 RMK AO2 PK WND 34028/2013 RAB14 P0012 T01280106
  5. Have had at least 4 distinct downpours at the mountain, with sun between each of them.
  6. The ASOS obs are pretty funny. All over the place. 2pm... 60F 1pm... 66F 12pm... 60F 11am... 67F
  7. The temp swings today are nuts. The showers come in and it’s downright cold...then the sun is out 5 minutes later and it seems 10-15F warmer. Dry air and evap cooling with these gusty showers.
  8. It went straight to October. Too cold, we overshot the sweet spot for temps. Orographic brief heavy showers (half expect graupel in these)... 12:20pm on August 10th with 55-65F temps around. 62F in town 56F up at 1,500ft (squalls moving through). Beautiful for the Folk Music Festival up in the base area. DIT’s midday jackets and pants in full effect. MVL down to 60F at the ASOS now.
  9. I mean, not even close to last summer. It was real humid even up here for a good month it seemed like last year. Its definitely had it’s oppressive periods but they’ve been few and further between this year. The difference from an ASOS dew of 72F is much different than 64F, especially in how it affects overnight mins.
  10. You seem to hate peasant weather for 99% of humanity as much as a rainstorm in January lol.
  11. Sunny 78F now, still 51F dew. No one is wearing long pants and hoodies like a poster suggested when summer temps are in the upper 70s.
  12. 76/51 for an August afternoon... sublime.
  13. Classic NW flow Cumulous sheets as the cooler air aloft moves in. Downslope dandy in SE SNE and the Champlain Valley.
  14. A day or two of dews is not exciting, ha. You just have an easier time creating conversation. Nice weather is boring.
  15. Surprised you need a crock pot in SNE. Given the unmitigated torch this summer, I figured you could just put it in a bucket and leave it outside to cook, ha.
  16. 77/63... hard to tell if the little drying is just daytime mixing or if it’s actually on the way down.
  17. Did you ask them why they didn’t heed the call to install back in April?
  18. Looks like 5.07” in Millis, Mass per CoCoRAHS. Now that’s some rain. Some impressive numbers from HFD to BOS corridor.
  19. Enjoy your August to remember. We’ll enjoy that mountain air. What a contrast this summer from NNE to SNE.
  20. I just laugh because he makes it sound so cold in the afternoon but if you look at our highs and ORH’s highs, they aren’t all that much different. The overnight lows are way different but yeah, if you compare MVL to BDL sure it’s way different... but he doesn’t live at BDL lol. Yesterday it was 81F here and 81F at ORH. He just wishes he lived at BDL’s 90F high.
  21. lol have been swimming almost every day. The funny thing is our high temps aren’t *that* different if you use your actual home temps. You’ll be 82F (based on ORH) and it’ll be 79F here. We know you don’t live at BDL. And I know you’ve said that you put shorts on in Napril and don’t take them off until Octorchber. We know you are that dad in shorts and a long sleeve when it’s 59F and sunny watching soccer on May 1st. Don’t give me this bundled up crap in the upper 70s, lol.
  22. Yesterday’s high of 81F interrupted the 6-day below normal stretch. What an August so far, -2.2. 5 of 7 days with a minimum in the 40s so far. And a bunch more below normal days coming up. Highs in mid-60s on Saturday per BTV.
  23. Plenty of lightning but just steady moderate to pockets of heavy rain this evening. We didn't get the rain rates of down south, but a good soaking event for the garden. Rare to see precip moving from south to north around here. It's been doing it all day, stuff firing up over the south/central Greens and moving almost due north.
  24. That's what we have had up here... though nothing remotely close to the +RN rates that Brian had. It was just your garden variety stuff, still steady rain and lots of on-going rumbling & flashes of lightning just to the NW of here.
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