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Everything posted by powderfreak

  1. Yeah that was pretty bad. If having a wagging tail companion following me through rivers, lakes and mountains makes me a control freak, so be it, lol. Humans can’t give unconditional love like a dog can. My dog would follow me through anything and wouldn’t even hesitate.
  2. Has been beautiful in Woodstock but clouds did just roll in. Headed back north this evening after a quick 3 day visit.
  3. We use that app to estimate speeds on the Zipline at Stowe. Staff can get into the 80+mph range. We tested it with a radar gun from a baseball/pitching scout who happened to be staying at The Lodge...the app’s speeds were more accurate than I would’ve guessed. Within 10mph, which seemed impressive for a phone GPS.
  4. Just enough moisture to keep dews up and do nothing water-wise.
  5. Yeah, same as BTV. The valley windy climate should be baked into it already. It’s not a rad cooling site. But climo knows that. However when that’s +1.5 or whatever and the rest of the northern VT ASOS stations are -1.5 to -2.5 it makes you go hmmm.
  6. Nothing more than a few light showers on the golf course in NE CT. Hard to tell if it was even measurable. Never wet the pavement under trees. Doesn’t feel very summery in temps, that’s for sure. Car says 74F, but it is humid.
  7. Back home: St. Johnsbury... -2.8 Montpelier... -2.0 Morrisville-Stowe... -1.4 Burlington... +1.3 Pretty solidly below normal in the mountain valleys. As usual, BTV is way out on an island by itself.
  8. Good news. Trying to get some golf in tomorrow.
  9. Ah, we just go by the name of the road, Pond Factory. I’ll have to look up Bungee. In my photo you can see the Town of Woodstock beach across the way. I love driving up Lebanon Hill Road from Southbridge...I know we joke about the lapse rates around here but the car always seems to lose a healthy 5F in like less than 400ft elevation change from downtown Southbridge to the top of Lebanon Hill Rd. In high school I worked at the Sturbridge Host Hotel for a couple summers and loved watching the car thermometer that drive home.
  10. Lake Champlain currently has one of the worst cases of blue-green algae anywhere in the Northeast. Most beaches have been closed at some point because of it. Must be those blowtorch BTV/Champlain Valley temps, lol. The water here at this place in CT is a lot cleaner than Champlain in that regard.
  11. Is that a lake? I honestly don’t know what the name of this is. The Woodstock Town Beach is on it. It may even be a pond technically. It’s about 750ft elevation I believe? But beautiful day in CT. Plenty warm enough for a swim, but great for everything else outdoors too.
  12. Small world, ha. Was just hanging out with Graham and Katie this weekend in Stowe. He’s got the dog Lucy that just hangs out in his shop all day. But yeah, that’s part of the family we come down to visit all the time. That’s hilarious. Next time you go in mention Scott in Stowe, he’ll know ha.
  13. Ha yup he was up in Stowe this weekend. He’s actually cousin-in-law... his wife is the one related to me. That family is who we come to visit... they own a place on the lake here in Woodstock, just bought it recently. Right next to my parent’s place.
  14. Beautiful day in CT. Just got to Woodstock for a couple days. May run over your way to Tolland as my father needs some work done on his car... my cousin owns a shop in Tolland (Anderson Auto) in that small Gulf gas station next to a Dunkin Donuts. Electric Blue seems to be the place to go though.
  15. I actually noticed a subtle change in some trees (talking like 1 out of every 100) taking on a yellowish hue when viewed from a distance in about the same elevation band you are in... 1,500-2,000ft. Normally by the end of August you can spot the early turners more easily.
  16. Looks like the warmth sticks around into later August on the GEFS. EPS looks warm at least day 10 time frame, likely after that too. Compare this past weekend: To this going forward:
  17. I wouldn’t worry about people thinking that, folks here know who is biased in a given direction and who isn’t...ha.
  18. All guidance is warmer than normal next week, up here and down south. How it shakes out varies, some have high dews and just high daily averages while other guidance does have 90+ for the usual suspects ahead of what looks like a FROPA later next week. Always have to watch the final day or two of a warm pattern for some spiked temps.
  19. Hey it fits with the pattern. Didn’t mean to step in your dog shit this morning, lol. You wouldn’t have blinked if it was a cooler outlook.
  20. Sorry didn’t mean to trigger ya. Here quick, look at this. It’ll stop the bleeding:
  21. Hard not to when you see the * BOS numbers all the time.
  22. Does look warm/hot Sun-Wed... huge differences though even from 00z to 06z GFS. Given this summer, probably another gradient look with muted heat to the north (much shorter duration, 2 days instead of 4). This type of thing fits with the overall summer... huge gradient just north of CON, 70s north and 90s south.
  23. Nice, yeah that’s why we love those temps in the summer. Outdoor recreation is so nice at temps in the 70s. You can actually go running during the day, too, without having to do it at 4am to not pass out from heat exhaustion. Where were you?
  24. Had some sweet lenticulars over the Spine this morning. Windy clouds on NW flow.
  25. Ha yup... before today we’ve got -1.8 at MPV and -1.5 at MVL up here. Looks like anyone north of RT 2 is below normal or near it.
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