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Everything posted by powderfreak

  1. Summer sky for sure this evening.
  2. That's a pretty healthy looking line. Covering a lot of ground too. That area along the Mass Pike in western Mass into Litchfield County could see some decent training of storms in the current configuration....
  3. Looks like in Rutland County and CVT it has produced 0.5-1.5” type rainfall on a lot of the PWS. That’s since midnight so I don’t know if they had any late last night. There is one 2.0” near Killington at elevation though. What you want to do is get soaked by the popcorn type cells ahead of the main line, to prime the pump.
  4. Yeah for sure... 1-2” is always a threat for localized totals in convective season. Don’t see anything in this set up though that would argue for a higher than normal risk of sustained heavy rates/training.
  5. That stuff in NY will have to slow down to get anywhere near 2-4” of rain. The stuff training over eastern VT ahead of the line is helping there but still fairly isolated.
  6. Is it in Windham County? (Honest question) Luckily CT is split pretty evenly by county.
  7. I don’t know how it’s in the SE corner of the state. Might have to check some distances to see if it’s closer to Mass than the ocean.
  8. Scientific reasoning why that would modify every run? +KFS index?
  9. It’s in Windham County, lol. I get what you are saying as that’s how summer works, stuff pops up. But trying to sell that as SE CT is funny.
  10. We’ve been dealing with real low ceilings at the ski area this morning, but man just opened up to sun. It was like 3,000ft thick layer of stratus banked up against the East Slope just vanished in like 15 minutes.
  11. Some crazy close lightning strikes overnight. Almost sounded like buzzing before the the world came crashing down on two separate occasions. Almost a half inch of rain in the stratus this morning though for a nice little drink.
  12. Documented? It doesn't look out of place this evening if you look at the graphic posted. ORH just shot up to 65F at 9pm and it was in-line with other obs from FIT, AFN, etc that were also in the upper 50s at times late this afternoon into early evening. Even torchy CEF only has a dew of 61F at 9pm. It was definitely a bit drier down there than up this way.
  13. Whew is it humid out there in the SWly flow warm sector. 71/66... after so many low dew days this month, an evening with Td's creeping above 65F as the temp tries to drop feels tropical. You can see the boundary has lifted just north of Montreal, with decent SSW flow advecting the moist air up through the NNE mtns. SE of the mountains hanging on to that drier air from the Maine coastal plain down to the Mass Pike. ORH still bouncing around at 59-61 dews.
  14. Cooler Coast tonight. Strengthening SWly flow aloft tonight and increasing clouds overnight should keep things much milder tonight than last night up this way.
  15. Yeah I didn’t think 60+ had made it that far north. Looks like it’s CVT/CNH now. As usual for this summer and last winter, we seem to be just far enough north here in the BTV-MPV-1V4 axis and above.
  16. Touché. I missed the IJD reading as well.
  17. Is that at home? You just water the lawn?
  18. High of 77F off a low of 47F. Dews 48-54 range today. Perfection.
  19. How bout we just post snow photos?
  20. 69/50 in the valley up here approaching noontime. Little cooler up at the ski area but man is it beautiful. Recreation delight.
  21. SLK with a crisp 37F this morning.
  22. 47F for the low up here. Excellent sleeping weather. Next week looks hot.
  23. We cool off tonight. The gradient is evident.
  24. Back up north, temperatures about the same in NE CT as in Stowe but dews 10F lower....definitely can feel that difference. Amazing how much influence the dew point has on the overall feel outside. High of 77F but going to cool off quickly here as the sun goes down.
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