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Everything posted by powderfreak

  1. Over this way the hill picked up 5-6” dense snow last night... Skiing was quite good. A paster above 1,200ft. Had to be a good half inch of frozen QPF overnight… surfy snow. Only a few tenths crusty coating down in town. But the ski areas along the Spine got a decent event.
  2. Had a good day today with 5-6” of dense snow at the snow plots. With the Gondola open, the long term High Road plot is back and it was about spot on with the Snow Cam… High Rd came in with an even 6”. The dense snow skied phenomenally. It covered the slick variable rain crust and was very surfy. Skied like a healthy half inch of SWE.
  3. I was thigh deep in glory with like 20” falling in 12 hours on Xmas afternoon and evening near ALB. Will never top that. Last winter living in ALB and it produced 50” in 10 days between 12/25 and 1/4. If you can cue up a period to get 4 feet of snow, the holiday week takes the cake.
  4. Ha, no, too busy shoveling melted out dog shit. Anyone with a dog who can roam the backyard knows what happens when it thaws. Snowing nicely up on the hill though.
  5. Been a surprisingly mild stretch. More snow melted in this period than from the 2” rainstorm. In the valley we’ve wet-bulbed down to a 33-34F wet snow (white rain, just a very minor slushy coating) at 1.5-2.0 sm visibility. The ASOS gets the vibe right. We all know that snow… not accumulating well, if at all. Up the road at 1500ft is getting caked white.
  6. Yeah the slushy windshield accumulation… it’s a funny dichotomy to just up hill from us. I saw a truck go by that was plastered with 1-2” of snow on all four sides on Mtn Road coming down from the resort. It’s snowy up high.
  7. 1.5” at 1500ft and white rain at 750ft. 1000-1300ft seems to be the magic line right now here like @klw said.
  8. Yes that was the depths of my despair. I think Philly was rattling off weekly warning level storms between the warm ups while we just froze cold and dry. My yard was a pond of frozen stagnant water.
  9. Break away…. in OT… and just fooled the goalie before burying it in the net.
  10. Reading the comments from those in favor of the closure, they are all folks to live there. And ones who wish for the old days of a private unknown zone. The Crescent Ridge Glade zone at the top of Randolph was developed/cut and marketed as a fun backcountry zone. Then when people showed up from that marketing, those who loved it wanted to keep it timelessly quiet. That's not how things work though in this age of social media. Randolph thought it was far enough out there to not get the visitation... but people proved that wrong, they will drive for a fun backcountry day. This shook people, so they shut it off to everyone. It does feel like NIMBY when you dig into it.
  11. Vermont soccer! UVM takes the NCAA Championship on a breakaway goal in OT. Cinderella story.
  12. Been a boring stretch for Tip’s dopamine hit. Maybe some snow coming late week from your area up through here? Nothing big though. Best case is a solid freshening of the snowpack.
  13. There’s been some drama up in Randolph, NH on the Hill community. Crescent Ridge backcountry zone has been closed to all users this winter. A rapid-growth spot the past few years by touring skiers. There are two kinds of opinions on it… that it is too busy with traffic, cars parking on the road, it’s a safety issue if first responders can’t get through? Then another faction thinks it’s more of a NIMBY move. They moved to rural Randolph not to see cars go by all day.
  14. Never cleared out so only 16F. Light snow falling and half inch dusting at home and 2” on the mountain.
  15. Yeah, the good thing about Stowe is that when stuff like this happens, there are resources to throw at it quickly. There were winch cats out there working earlier and the local heavy equipment contractor is fast acting… excavators needed. Roughed in, the trail will just need a good snowmaking run. Frozen QPF will fix it.
  16. Yeah man, we recorded 2.29” rainfall at Mtn Ops Center but all of it was a cold rain. The Mansfield Stake went from 38” fluffy to 33” water injected glacial pack. Even in the base area, the loss was probably even less as it was colder wedged in there. Down at my place we are at 6” from 12”. I thought it was going to be smoked. Conditions are a bit rougher than they were, but even still, some low angle natural snow terrain was back open, which means it’s not terrible, ha ha. The big thing here was a 500 vertical foot washout on Gondolier. These seem to happen in a different place each Dec now when we get the big water amounts. This was the largest yet and requires excavators to fix. These channels go deep into the ground. The power of water is crazy.
  17. Just picked up almost 2” of snow very fast. Lake Effect streamers FTW. Clipped the ASOS but got us better to the south. METAR KMVL 122215Z AUTO 24006KT 1/4SM +SN VV012 M04/M07 A3009
  18. Been colder than I expected. 37F max at MVL and 34F at 1500ft at ski area. Snowpack seems to be mostly absorbing the rain at this point.
  19. “In the end we just weren’t comfortable with overpaying to get the weather we wanted on Christmas.”
  20. Everything shifts east in the near term. There’s something with the mid-range code in models that seem to over amp lows. The SE trend in the near term is very well documented over the years.
  21. In that context, yeah the forum vibe/dynamics make sense. The line of have-beens and have-nots has been very consistent in recent years, bisecting the New England forum. In the 2000s and 2010s, the goods seemed more spread out. There’d be suppression depression up here at times, with legit cold… it really all comes back to the air-masses. We just can’t sustain that good, deep cold, as a region over a multiyear period. Now the northern and interior latitudes have been just inside the snow line over numerous events the past few years.
  22. Maybe I’m thinking of Wright Weather BB, or even the list-serves when it was via email even, a couple decades ago. Coming out of the 1990s, the vibes seemed upbeat. But maybe that was just because people were discovering the internet and that they could chat with like minded people. Now everyone is fine throwing their emotions out there online.
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