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Everything posted by powderfreak

  1. Personally I think tonight comes in much lower. If the night you weren’t expecting it, over-performs, the next one usually doesn’t. We’ll see though. Dews yesterday were in the mid-20s in the valleys… today dropped to single digits. More moisture was around to act on last night IMO.
  2. Can’t compare the Stowe Village to Westfield but I had that coming lol. That Cocorahs site is about half the distance to the barrier than the Stowe Village one. That Lookout Cam just underreports too much sometimes. Too funny getting ribbed by the locals for putting 5” out there when they associate the High Road number to the snow they ski. And everyone knew HR would be much more. Sure enough almost double. I always find that “training” fascinating. A ski area literally trains its regulars what a number “means” over the years. If you put it up there consistently enough, the locals can guess it pretty accurately.
  3. Yeah going to be 9” overnight.
  4. We’ll call it a “Stowe 5” for now . Heard that one this morning, haha. Locals at the Sunrise lift saying the inches are different here.
  5. Wish we could ship it. The overnight snow.
  6. 3” overnight. Mountain got 5” on elevated snow board that was likely wind affected. Once we get to the ground based one we can update. Estimates would be 6-8” or so from several parties. Still snowing. Solid upslope pulse last night for about 6 hours.
  7. At least 3” overnight. Mountain got hit good. Reporting 5” from elevated snow plot (likely wind stripped a bit) but skinners and grooming think it could be as much as 8”. Lots of wind again.
  8. I hate social media lol. Sites posting that up like it happened yesterday.
  9. One can certainly tan the nape at decently below average temperatures deep into the spring, though likely not going on currently. Sun angle and temperatures aren’t collocated… don’t associate the sun with a negative connotation, the inches of climo don’t care.
  10. To be fair no one has stated a real opinion on the temperatures when they mention increasing sun angle. There’s too much association going on in posts about increasing solar and warm season. The sun angle can be increasing and it can still be deep winter. I don’t get why folks fight the sun angle discussion, in the descent or ascent. Like it is what it is. Everyone knows climo, the best snow often comes on increasing solar. Why would folks fight those increasing sun angle posts? It’s great to see more sunlight daily. Its also moving into mid-winter snow climo. It doesn’t have to be dark to snow. Climate norms don’t line up with the solar calendar.
  11. It’s been a windy well-mixed cold. Feels worse than the numbers. Man cold?
  12. We did have a good little fluffer last night on Mountain Road. Almost 3” materialized after the mid-level lift moved out… surprising after barely an inch in the synoptic portion. The fluff stuck to this SUV’s wipers show the snow growth that made the most of the meager moisture on NW flow.
  13. It's as variable as it gets, but also in a good way. The type of conditions that lead to the type of skiers the East breeds. I got out late in the day, but found some 3:30pm fun inbounds. Home field advantage.
  14. It’s funny how folks like us moved up here for the snow and then you find some of the folks born up north absolutely hate winter weather. If you don’t ski (downhill or XC), snowboard, snowmobile, etc… I can understand it. Just a long cold dark season if you don’t enjoy the activities. Unfortunately most of the winter sports have a higher economic barrier to entry.
  15. Around 10”. Town got another 2-3” of fluff overnight. Oddly didn’t happen at the mountain though.
  16. Decent, but definitely got skied off today. Solid crowd today… they did a number on conditions throughout the day in classic New England fashion. Starts great, ends in flat light and slick. Snow plots picked up 1.5” today. Wintry vibe but didn’t do anything to the conditions.
  17. Got a lil purple overhead. I think we’d manage, lol.
  18. What the hell is Skynet? Is that the traffic helicopter on NBC?
  19. It’s winter in the mountains. This is Smuggs from a friend.
  20. Finally a nice day after the multi-day siege of wind and snow.
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