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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Wow, so you’re telling me CMC is 40 degrees COLDER than GFS? Woooooooo doggie.
  2. If there's widespread power outages and destruction like the epic GFS ice age ice storm depicts, how would @Yeoman get to read about all the power flicker reports here?
  3. Been busy with work so haven't really tracked this week's event but LWX seemed to hedge against the GFS solution in their forecast discussion - but left the door open with the caveat... Models have in the past been too quick with the cold air in an anafrontal situation but every event isn`t the same.
  4. As a neutral fan, definitely rooting for Burrow and the Bengals today
  5. Nothing’s settled. Not sure you can declare with confidence it’s “cold rainy this week” and “not much room for anything behind” - a week ago, people were talking about a February torch. How are those calls working out a week later?
  6. 1/3 - 10” 1/7 - 2.6” 1/16 - 2.0” (based on nearby reports) 1/29 - 0.9” (based on nearby reports) Total - 15.5” basically hit climo! A very good January in Alexandria.
  7. 1.8 for the low. Up to 11 now. Euro/GFS suggests up to an 1” of snow later today/tonight here. NAMs/HRRR want nothing to do with it.
  8. This thread needs more pictures! That death band looks incredible.
  9. A few pictures from taking a walk earlier through the woods and sledding. A crisp 3.9 degrees but the snow looks like a million diamonds when the sun hits it.
  10. 4 degrees and have some light upslope snow falling. Brutal outside with the wind chill. The Scottie gave me the side eye “wtf” look when I took her outside just now. Deep, deep winter.
  11. I’ve been enjoying watching the beach cams…ocean is looking angry. What a storm for the coast - hope you’re enjoying it.
  12. They were good when we drove in this afternoon but had just started to get snow covered…thanks for the update. Tomorrow looks downright brutal with the wind chills. Skiing should be….fun.
  13. Texting family in Boston and southern NH…they’re poised to get rocked. Watching the storm bomb out on satellite will be fun.
  14. Pretty diamond-looking pixie dust out here. Looks really pretty in the lights.
  15. I’m just imagining the four of you gossiping like teenage girls about the board drama. “ooooooomg did you see that tacky post by CAPE…as if”
  16. Thanks sir! We spend a ton of time out there in the warmer months…we have a two seat glider from a local Amish place on the other side of the deck under an awning from the roof. I sit on it and glide during a rainstorm in the summer or during a snowstorm. So relaxing and yeah, that’s the grill and the weather station (anemometer is in a different spot).
  17. Got here about an hour ago. 22.9 and light snow. No idea how much new snow has fallen today - anywhere from 12-25” on the ground depending on the spot in the yard.
  18. With all their boom and busts and %, they don't even need to do multiple maps. They always cover themselves and then call their forecast an A+!
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