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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. 3k has Garrett County below freezing by 1a Friday. Northern MD (Manchester/etc) drops below freezing around 6a. 3k actually ends as some snow out here.
  2. 34 with light rain. I hope at least some of the snowpack survives through tomorrow night.
  3. I can't get the Kelly Rowland/David Guetta 'Commander' song out of my head after seeing the news about the WFT name:
  4. I'd be perfectly fine with the 3k in McHenry...I don't want an ice storm out there.
  5. 6z Euro is a bit slower with the cold push vs 00z and actually keeps western MD above freezing until Friday at noon (5 hours slower than 6z NAM and 12 hours slower than GFS).
  6. Yep, he won’t learn from it.
  7. GGEM continues to lag the GFS with the cold push. Has DC reaching the 60s Friday morning. 12z Friday has the freezing line crossing through Garrett County vs draped through most of C/N MD on the GFS. Icing is confined to western MD on the GGEM as precip shuts off by the time the surface is below freezing.
  8. Your area along the M/D border out west to Garrett County and the 81 corridor (Winchester) are definitely favored right now for seeing the biggest impacts. Could be nasty if the GFS temps are right (low to mid 20s in those areas).
  9. Falls into the upper 20s while there’s still a few hours of precip. Mid 20s along the MD. Quite the setup for around here that is not common. It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out.
  10. GFS was first to catch onto the ice threat and it seems the other models are playing catch up. While I don’t think DC will accrete 0.5” of ice, clearly the threat is there for an impactful event.
  11. The signal continues to increase for a potentially significant ice event for N&W (and some impacts along 95 too). I think GFS is probably a bit overdone with the depth of the cold air press in the upper levels but suggests some sleet even down to DC.
  12. Next up Snyder will announce the new stadium will be built in the middle of nowhere, impossible to get to via Metro.
  13. Home game tomorrow. Let’s keep it up.
  14. HUGE Caps win! What a gutsy performance, especially after the stupid goalie interference call on Dowd.
  15. No, upper air lags surface freezing. May end as sleet/snow, especially in the far western areas.
  16. Euro is a significant ice event for N&W, especially near the M/D line out west to Garrett County. Check out the 3 hr temp change as it swings through DC.
  17. same with our neighbor! I spent a ton of time this year pulling up vines that crept into our yard…it’ll be an ongoing adventure! I also had to have a landscaper pull up bamboo roots since the previous owner had the brilliant idea of planting some..of course that’ll be a five year battle to fully eradicate it.
  18. Very nice day out! And ugh at all that english ivy suffocating those (still upright) trees.
  19. Great comparison and catch by you. That's a big shift in the MR. With Friday all over the place on guidance, way too early to rule anything out for Sunday.
  20. I had to double check if I was in the top 4
  21. It does seem Euro took a few baby steps to the GFS at both 00z and 6z. I’d wager we probably end up with something in the middle.
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