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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. 9 degrees with light snow. Picked up 2” of new snow overnight. Super high ratio fluff.
  2. Awesome, dude! Glad to hear. Have fun tonight celebrating.
  3. My 6 year old nephew took this playing with Night Mode on my iPhone. I’ve taught him well for his love of snow and weather.
  4. S&E has been on a heater…don’t get greedy.
  5. 19 with light snow thanks to the upslope. Old fashioned for a HH by the fire.
  6. In memory: 2022 stupid ice storm
  7. Down to 27 here - it had been freezing drizzle for a while which has turned the shoveled areas into a skating rink, including the driveway (between that and the rain that froze over). Trees have a nice glaze of ice on them. It's now snowing with big ol' parachutes.
  8. Looks like its a go! Have a great time and hope your daughter does well.
  9. Stayed in the mid 30s after the initial drop and fell below freezing around 2a. Some light icing on the trees - basically anything that was wet earlier froze over. Currently 28 and overcast.
  10. LWX just issued a Flood Warning out here. Not sure I remember being under both a WWA and Flood Warning in quite some time.
  11. HRRR may catch on by noon tomorrow. Running 4 degrees too warm here at hour 1.
  12. If a point is pointed, and no one around is hear it, is your point pointedly pointed?
  13. No, that one isn’t me. Looks similar in terms of the drop though. Can you spot the temp drop on my station? I can’t find it…
  14. 10 degree drop in 20 minutes. Down to 38. Pretty impressive.
  15. Temp dropped has started out here. Down 2 degrees in the last 5 minutes.
  16. Temps have been rising here the last hour, from 42 to 46. But stations just to the NW here over the border in PA are dropping so would think we’re about to start falling here.
  17. Thick fog, rain and 42. Winds are out of the ESE here. Snowpack holding on strong though.
  18. Current temp is 43 from a high of 46, which now matches up perfectly to the Euro. 18z HRRR running 3 degrees too warm.
  19. Temps running higher here than the 12z Euro by about 3 degrees currently. 12z Euro ice totals. Also has 1” of snow tomorrow night for the mountains.
  20. The Canadien Herpes model actually bumped up ice totals slightly along the M/D border and still advertising over 0.3” here. Trend clearly is pulling back on the ice and we’ll see how it all shakes out but LWX has been really consistent with suggesting minor impacts.
  21. Yeah, I figured I might as well just work from out here since it may be somewhat interesting weather, ha. I’m hoping for some icing on the trees at least for a few nice pictures.
  22. 39.9 with light rain. Gotta love being under a Flash Flood Watch and a WWA. Euro has over 0.25” of ice out here. I’d hedge for under.
  23. GFS has the freezing line to me at 10p tomorrow night (3-5 hours quicker than other models). Northern MD areas are below freezing around 5-6a Friday. More realistic ice totals on the GFS and ends as snow out here.
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