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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. +1 for this recommendation. And that timeline is right (caveated for the year’s conditions, like you point out). I wouldn’t be surprised if this year runs slightly behind schedule given the 8-14 day outlook continues the AN temps.
  2. I had to double check this account was yours.
  3. Ha, I literally had thought that in my head as I wrote the post. Up to 1.2" now.
  4. 0.8” - happy to see the northern tier cash in.
  5. I thought rain east of the BR was supposed to be here later tonight/overnight?
  6. nj2va

    Winter 2022-23

    Wow….you’re old.
  7. nj2va

    Winter 2022-23

    Chase this winter to the western MD or WV mountains, New England or Rockies.
  8. nj2va

    Winter 2022-23

    1st call: Alexandria - 8-12” McHenry - 110”-130” Number of times ‘it’s over’ is used: 4,987
  9. 81. Feels nice outside with the DPs still manageable.
  10. nj2va

    Winter 2022-23

    Early preview of the mood in the MR/LR thread.
  11. Enjoy! Weather station at the house got down to 54 this morning. Currently 68 there. I didn’t realize Meadow Mountain was higher than Wisp and just below the tallest point in the county (which is 3314 feet)…thought it had only topped out at 2900ft. Good to know! First snowfall is isn’t too far away
  12. Nice evening out right now. My tulip poplar tree in the front yard (which is easily 6-7 stories tall) is really shedding leaves now. About 40% of the leaves are yellow.
  13. nj2va

    Winter 2022-23

    It would be night/day from last December. I don't think I recorded any snow in McHenry last December which is unheard of. It put the year in such a hole that it was almost impossible to finish normal snowfall.
  14. Must have had a storm push through overnight…0.8” since yesterday morning.
  15. More drought coming your way.
  16. It’s been raining lightly here off/on this evening and have a mod to heavy rain storm over Alexandria now.
  17. We’ve had a fabulous stretch of weather this week. Low DPs and normal to below temps. Not common here in August. Sitting outside now listening to the late summer sounds. Just awesome.
  18. Storm popping up over NE DC seemingly headed south towards Alexandria.
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