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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. I’m more interested in the CFS for December 2024.
  2. I’m not even looking at the end 384H ensembles. Let’s also just focus on what’s in the MR to “early” LR before we start talking about long range ensembles.
  3. Last several runs for next week’s cutter/redeveloper. This is one of those threats that could trend in our favor in the MR with the block and 50/50 low that @WxUSAF also mentioned.
  4. That was a sweet run for them. I am really starting to like the look of that for the mountains. Verbatim, 18z is snow to ice to snow (and upslope will crank with that upper level setup). I’m flying back from a work trip Thursday night but we’re heading straight to Deep Creek from the airport - could be fun times.
  5. We always spend between Christmas and New Years there - way too far out to talk specifics and chances but pattern leading up to Christmas is looking really nice so far.
  6. Yep, a few OP runs over the last day have shown that scenario too that I posted last night. While odds are low, interesting things can happen with blocks and 50/50 lows.
  7. Literally night/day from last December.
  8. GEPS really poking that AK ridging poleward.
  9. Sunrise alert. Clouds lit up in reds and pinks.
  10. Canadian with a ‘transfer’ from the MN/IA border to the Delmarva with next week’s cutter. Still think the period bears watching as the MR gets sorted out with the blocking/50-50/volatility on the models.
  11. Next week’s cutter on the GFS continues to evolve with the 50/50 low and block. Now gets some front end frozen into the area as energy is forced south off the cutter.
  12. That oshie goal was pretty with the puck movement on the PP
  13. Ovi goals 794 and 795! And more importantly we down the team from Philly.
  14. Was I already laying the groundwork with my partner that we skip going to NJ/Long Island to see family at Christmas and instead head to Deep Creek for the 30" of Christmas snow.....perhaps....
  15. At least we’re getting fantasy storms - a good sign the OP sees the changes that the ensembles have been showing.
  16. Trend the last several runs for Sunday night/Monday's system on the GFS. Looks like it's picking up on the blocking - something to keep an eye on if blocking can flex enough.
  17. That's quite the 50/50 low that the OP GFS has next week - it'd to be great if that follow-up storm didn't end into a cutter from going neg. tilt over the plains, and slid underneath us. There's a 1050 HP that's too far north too. If only we could rearrange this map by hand ETA: This map is staring at you.
  18. In some good news, we’ve reached the earliest sunset time of the year - in a week from now, sunset will be a minute later and by months end, 10 minutes later.
  19. I can’t find the link right now but apparently they did adjust gfs in the recent upgrade to account for temps in marginal setups (e.g. overly cold previously).
  20. WRT to the Friday/Saturday deal, Euro with some mood flakes and maybe some slushly accumulations for favored areas (10:1 show accumulation but temps are above freeing). I'd even take some snow TV that doesn't accumulate for festive purposes.
  21. 12z ensembles giving the dopium hit of 500mb NHEMI maps
  22. I'd like to see CNE/SNE cash in on a snowstorm since it seems like in years past, especially in the midst of pattern changes (or RELOADED pattern changes), mid ATL scores after we miss a few chances that hit New England. Probably unpopular opinion here but seems like general evolution in storm chances here in prior years.
  23. 6z GEFS continues to look different than the EPS in the LR. This is super LR so take with a grain of salt but here’s the trend of the last 4 runs. ETA: Meant to add that I'd like to see the GEFS not correcting to a less favorable PNA which seems to be the case based on the evolution above.
  24. Great post! La Nina can go eff itself.
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