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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Thanks Will, how does that compare to 00z low positions?
  2. In that case, don’t come….you may have bad luck.
  3. Depending on the exact track/setup, the upslope may be higher than snow from the coastal as its passing our latitude. Ratios would be better too.
  4. Yeah, way too far for those fine details but this setup and potential track (and time of year) favors interior for sure. Coastal plain will have temp issues (most storms we do so its no surprise with this one). I'm excited for our first real threat of the season to track though.
  5. Euro gets precip in by sunrise on Thursday, a good 4-5 hours quicker than GFS.
  6. Smoking the western burbs at 132. 81 crew will like this run so far.
  7. Current top CIPS analog is December 12, 1992 for the GFS run.
  8. Feels like a solid winter day especially with the cloud cover - almost has a snow look (if only).
  9. CMC is a pretty high impact event for the mountains. Ice to mix to snow with the initial system then long duration upslope. Would put down a solid snow cover that would last for weeks with the pattern.
  10. Looking through the 6z GEFS members, it definitely made a jump towards a coastal redeveloper as others have mentioned this morning - there’s timing differences amongst the members but this gives you a good idea of the potential in these few frames.
  11. WPC maps does not seem to favor the sheared out version GFS has been showing (although 6z took a step towards a coastal redevelopment that the Euro and CMC has been showing). Their discussion favors the Euro at this time.
  12. Agree with everything you said here especially the last part. I was already looking at alternative flights home from San Diego that doesn’t have me land at 7p Thursday. For the storm, I still think first flakes are a real possibility for many. Favored locations inland possible for minor accumulations.
  13. I use tropical tidbits usually (sometimes pivotal). Lots of free data out there.
  14. Canadian’s progression of next week’s storm is an upslope dream for the mountains next weekend. Ski resorts would be thrilled with that outcome.
  15. Canadian progresses the closed vort east so it redevelops off the Delmarva from northern OH. GFS holds the energy back over the Plains and the vort weakens as it heads east so no redevelopment.
  16. Ready to extrapolate 84H NAM…a mid-Atlantic tradition!
  17. Fun to be able to track something at least even if it’s just some mood snow TV.
  18. Busy day at work so just catching up from today’s runs. That 12z Euro look is straight up weather porn.
  19. This is a common sense, level-headed post. Unfortunately, this place isn’t full of it.
  20. Has anyone seen @vastateofmind recently?
  21. Especially in your location, better chance at front end frozen from this. But I have a feeling the massive cutter depicted two days ago will continually to evolve like it already has.
  22. Yep, rams have fell exceptionally flat in particular.
  23. amazing with how much Amazon pays for TNF, the matchups are so shitty
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