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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. This may cut to Des Moines when all is said and done. Chicago even rains on this run of the GFS.
  2. Can we all just dump a bunch of ice cubes in the North Atlantic to help reduce the WAR?
  3. Since you’re so invested, I’ll be sure to do upslope PBP on each run.
  4. The evolution on the GFS would be much better for upslope than the Euro. GFS suggests 8-12” while Euro is less than half that in upslope.
  5. Agreed, that shouldn’t have ended on penalties. Great game!
  6. That’s potentially a blizzard upslope look to it. Mountains are going to score big on Saturday into Sunday if that look verifies. Of course I get there Monday morning
  7. I feel like we have to get this weeks massive storm out of the way first to see how that shuffles things. It’s way too early to be skipping the rest of December.
  8. 21/SN- 1.6” snow since last night
  9. Euro with the initial snow for the far western areas. I wouldn’t sleep on that for even the NW suburbs, could see that trend better.
  10. CMC is similar with the upslope setup. Even though I’ll miss it by two days (back here on the 26th) I’m hoping for a banger to give the ski areas a good week of business.
  11. That’s a sick upslope signal on the GFS for the mountains.
  12. GFS brings back an initial burst of snow to start for the 81/west crew.
  13. Obligatory deck pic for my fellow weenies. Steady light snow, 25 degrees. Fluffy dendrites mixed in with the smaller flakes. Snow is sparkling on the deck. Enjoy the party tonight!
  14. Snow on the 27th too from a diving NS vort. Only 10 days away, nothing can go wrong!
  15. This would actually produce vs model imagination of a front passage or miller b. Dynamic, arctic front would produce some scraps for us. That upslope, too
  16. Welcome and thanks for your military service. You’re off to a good start b/c I like your username - fellow xx2xx here… Just wait til a threat goes poof within 4 days…..woooh boy talk about despair in here.
  17. It’s far out to parse these type of details but using the 12z GFS OP as an example, that’s a lot of energy rounding a very robust 500 energy through the mountains, coupled with ripping winds out of the NW, and unfrozen lakes…this is a pretty sweet upslope setup. Caveats that this is based on what one day 5/6 OP run is showing. But the potential for upslope is there. We’re getting upslope snow showers here today in a non-perfect setup (e.g. there’s little energy / winds to enhance it, unlike that setup) but its been snowing since last night.
  18. Everyone can blame me when we’re sipping mai-tais as the ball drops on NYE.
  19. Tracking shorts or sweats for New Years Eve?
  20. We need to start a new LR thread. This one lost its mojo.
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