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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Looks like a scene out of the Day after Tomorrow honestly.
  2. Hang in there. You’re a strong person and will get through this. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  3. I’m behind on the game (watching it on DVR), but Caps playing really well. Up 3-0 early in the 3rd.
  4. Anyone got stats to compare vs the 1780s? Or 1680s? Why stop there…let’s go full BC too.
  5. That’s not a classic confluence look (as mentioned by Heisy with it ‘trending’ towards it) but notice the tightly spaced isobar lines over New England/off the New England coast? That’s typically a sign of confluence. In our classic mid Atlantic storms, you’d see those isobars stacked tight together basically running due east off the coast of New England. It basically helps to lock in / reinforce cold air. It’s why our big MA events feature 50/50 lows that lock in the confluence. Someone smarter than me can probably explain it better ha.
  6. Late to the game but just finished Yellowstone Season 1. What a great show - easily best on tv now.
  7. That’s a look that works in prime climo for sure.
  8. Just got to McHenry. 15 degrees with SN-. Deep winter wonderland. Lake looked frozen over as we passed the northern end of it coming in off 219.
  9. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Thank you to your son for his service and to your family for the sacrifice.
  10. 8 degrees at McHenry. At least the ski resorts have been able to make snow during this arctic blast. It’ll help with the mini warmup before the next reload.
  11. The videos and reports out of Buffalo are insane. They’ve had verified blizzard conditions every hour since Friday morning.
  12. About to head to Christmas Eve mass, Merry Christmas fellow weenies!
  13. Great recap. Still think you’re crazy for camping in it lol. Benson seems smart.
  14. I can’t help but think of this when I saw your thermometer brand.
  15. -12 for the low at McHenry. Up to a balmy -5 now. 11 here in Ocean County, NJ. Also, 10 degrees at a WU station near PHL airport for those wondering…
  16. What a winter they’re having. It’s crazy to read a blizzard warning calling for 4-5 feet AND 70 mph winds.
  17. Woooo! Happy for him especially getting it at home.
  18. Top of Wisp weather station - elevation is over 3100’ (weather station lists the wrong elevation) https://owc.enterprise.earthnetworks.com/OnlineWeatherCenter.aspx?aid=8055 Great night skiing conditions!
  19. I loved reading the obs out there, thanks for sharing them (and katabatic, others too). Hoping for a good January/February out there with some memorable events. I’d love a repeat of last years MLK storm again this year.
  20. That looked incredibly painful and scary. I hope he’s ok.
  21. Just turned on the game at my parents house. Awesome to see that highlight!
  22. 12 degrees here in Ocean County, NJ. -8 at Deep Creek with -37 wind chills. Super legit cold.
  23. The wind has a bit of a freight train sound here whipping through the tall trees in our neighborhood. Super neat.
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