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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Time sensitive but check out the sky on the Tahoe cam right now (Palisades Siberia Cam): https://www.palisadestahoe.com/mountain-information/webcams Gorgeous pinks, reds, and purples against the fresh snow too.
  2. Thanks. I wasn’t sure why we were analyzing 300 hour OP maps, honestly. It can’t be THAT dire, yet.
  3. They’re getting rocked right now https://www.palisadestahoe.com/mountain-information/webcams#tab=palisades
  4. The only positive from the MLK weekend storm is the potential for upslope for the mountains/ski resorts which really need the snow (especially after yet another cutter).
  5. Just took the dog out and was surprised by wet pavement. Looks I missed the big show!
  6. That’s what I told my buddy. We’ve been missing this for years. He was awesome.
  7. You’re welcome! Not the prettiest game but I’ll take it. Darcy was a brick wall.
  8. I wish CBS would switch to the Bills/Patriots. More exciting game.
  9. Slant stick your way to 0.1”
  10. I’m sorry but wtf is the LR thread?
  11. That could be how the area scores frozen on the front end - either keep the primary from getting too far north (not sure that’s likely as of now) or get some precip to “break off” or get shunted east of the low far enough so we take advantage of the column before we lose it.
  12. Remember when many were worried about a southern slider? Those were the days…
  13. Get your drinks out. HH GFS with the digital blue for next weekends storm.
  14. I’m going to the game. I’m sorry
  15. Just saw that! I might get tickets…pretty awesome!
  16. Just in a sucky state of things. It’ll snow again.
  17. Let’s keep politics out of here. Don’t need the train wreck that ensues with any mention of it.
  18. Yes…rain to start everywhere but mountains transition to heavy, wet snow (verbatim) from Saturday night on. This thing isn’t set in stone so I expect it could end up a cutter, a redeveloper from TN valley, etc.
  19. CMC ends as snow for the mountains…I guess a glass half full look at that for the ski resorts.
  20. Positive: Confluence better Negative: Vort stronger through the plains and phased with NS energy so it cut
  21. Closed 500 low over central IL not what we want to see. I haven’t looked at the surface.
  22. Through 144, 500H over NE is night/day from 18z. Not sure what it means down the line, but shows you this thing on the OP is far from being decided, even on the Euro which is flipping around.
  23. Heights lower in the NE at 132 (guessing from more confluence). Though, not sure if this is a thread to talk clowns and skeletons…
  24. 00z NAM coming in as slow as the snow will accumulate Sunday night.
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