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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Gorgeous today, I'll take this for all of March and April please.
  2. Yep, the cherries are blooming here in Alexandria too. Trees are really waking up this week, too.
  3. I'll try! Your best bet is to go to Wisp Friday night as they'll likely have the snow guns on with the forecasted temps. If you're staying in a house on the top of Wisp, you'll probably benefit from some residual snow blowing that way from the snow guns.
  4. Great weather today with lots of people outside doing activities. I was able to get some work done around the yard today - trimmed back the liriope and ornamental grass before new growth starts, and transplanted our three ‘younger’ hydrangeas into a location that has more shade. Spring fever.
  5. We need that pile of crap reaction back. I’m ready for sustained 60s and 70s.
  6. Strolled around Thomas, WV earlier with my parents in short sleeves and 58 degrees. Sun angle was strong.
  7. Yup, was saying the same to a friend of mine last night after seeing them play like crap again. They need to rebuild.
  8. 17 with SN-. Wind still gusting into the mid 30s. My nieces and nephews (ages 5-13) are visiting for the weekend and they were thrilled to see snow tonight when they got here.
  9. The base state of my brain remembers a time when this forum was more fun.
  10. 29 with light snow falling. Coating achieved. At least the cold temps tonight will help Wisp make snow to improve the base.
  11. Came through at about 7a. 52 earlier and down to 35.
  12. Seeing Carrie Underwood tonight at Cap One. Loving the no jacket weather.
  13. Spring fever has set in for me.
  14. What a spectacular day, 61 and sunny.
  15. Another encouraging sign of spring, today was the first day I noticed my car feeling warm in the sun when I got in. Meteorological spring starts in about 2 weeks!
  16. Up to 53 and mostly sunny. Loving this weather.
  17. Chiefs earned that win but definitely a blown call at the end on 3rd down. Eagles blew the game in the 2nd half.
  18. Survivor used to be my favorite show. The last few seasons have been terrible. Why did they change a model that worked?
  19. Just wait for the CCB to crank.
  20. High of 39 today and sunny, beautiful day for a 4 mile hike. Down to 30 currently. With how warm it’s been at home, feels like the arctic ha.
  21. Philly is such a dump. No wonder why @Ralph Wiggumhangs out in our forum
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