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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Can confirm, 19 yards is a b**** to spread. Have a small area left to do this morning. Can also confirm I ordered too much (by about 4-5 yards) - I’m a CPA but suck at math apparently ha. I posted free mulch on Nextdoor to use it up. Ob: 57 for the low. Really enjoying the ‘cool’ mornings and warm afternoons.
  2. I think I was a little ambitious honestly as I’m totally spent now ha. Great drive! We’re in Alexandria so definitely not a big yard but we’re on a corner and have landscaped areas vs all lawn on all sides. I may have slightly overdone the order too as this is our 2nd year in the house and my first time mulching myself. It looks like it’ll end up about right (maybe 1 or 2 too much). Mulching is a beast of a chore I’ve learned.
  3. Had 19 cubic yards delivered today and got about halfway done…need to finish up tomorrow morning in the backyard and the side. Great weather to put it down considering the dry, sunny weather. I want to beat the ‘heat’ tomorrow afternoon and hopefully finish up in the AM.
  4. 36 for the low. 34 yesterday. Beautiful weather on tap for today - today are the days made for taking a mental health day and getting out of the office.
  5. Rahm with a big comeback / Koepka with a bit of a collapse. Great Sunday at the Masters and happy to see a PGA winner (vs LIV).
  6. He is risen! Happy Easter to my fellow Christians who celebrate.
  7. I’ll take yesterday’s weather over today 10 times out of 10.
  8. Awesome! Love seeing the pictures.
  9. HRRR fires up a few cells over DC/Balt around 5p and then brings in another round later tonight of rain.
  10. Have the AC on here. And will probably need the heat this weekend lol
  11. UConn making it look easy
  12. Im up in NJ at my parents house - we just got out of church and looked at the sky to the west which is dark as night - and we are now under a tornado warning.
  13. I love this time of year with the trees coming to life, especially a gorgeous sunny Spring day. Took this picture outside of our church in Alexandria before mass this morning. Cherry Blossoms in peak beauty.
  14. My bracket is done (total of 35 points oof) but my partner picked Creighton / UConn in the championship and I laughed at him. He hasn’t watched one second of college basketball this year. Go figure.
  15. 15 total points in the 2nd half lol. They’re going to be like 20 points below their lowest scoring game all season. And they missed a lot of FTs it feels like too
  16. UConn has been so impressive the whole tournament so far. But to do this against Gonzaga is another level
  17. UConn is embarrassing Gonzaga in this game. Up 31 points, wow.
  18. Skies are brightening, looks like the sun wants to come out soon.
  19. Happy birthday! As a big east fan, really happy to see two teams in the elite eight. Let’s go UCONN and Creighton!
  20. Nice band of mod to heavy rain here.
  21. What? Those drivers were reckless and speeding. The lack of accountability these days is astounding.
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