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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. OMG, yes! Nostalgic growing up.
  2. Feels like a steam shower out there even with the clouds rolled in. One thing I knew was certain - this thread would be full of complaints before the line of storms even formed.
  3. About an hour out from Pitt to see Taylor Swift at Heinz Stadium. Hellacious drive with so much traffic on 70 in MD and usual traffic on 270 for an early Friday afternoon. Why oh why does MD love two lane highways.
  4. Today is looking awesome there, low 70s and sunny. Have a great time!
  5. 10/10 evening. Sitting out on the patio with a margarita, listening to country music, and watching the ‘mom and dad’ birds go in and out of the birdhouse taking care of their new chicks. Hard to believe its June with this weather.
  6. Definite improvement in the air quality (at least to my naked eye) here as we get into the evening hours.
  7. Yup, its unfortunately the new norm of society today. Always someone else's fault or they throw out some crazy excuse.
  8. Looks like ~1” on the day based on a few nearby PWS. Drizzle/light rain continuing.
  9. On and off tropical-like downpours all day.
  10. There’s no excuse for being a Pens fan
  11. That is such a puzzling list of teams lol
  12. 66/45 under mostly sunny skies. Gorgeous.
  13. I was about to say the say thing. Perfect sitting out on the deck. We’re about to had to the Farmer’s Market at the college. Hopefully the weather ‘booms’ and the call for increasing clouds/shower chances doesn’t pan out.
  14. I want to enjoy a rain free weekend at Deep Creek - that sounds great to me.
  15. Another stunner of a day.
  16. Let’s go Rory and Scheffler today!
  17. Perfect weather day. Sunny during the afternoon and rain held off until 8p.
  18. Sunny outside. I wasn’t expecting the weather to be this nice, I’ll take it!
  19. Just had this conversation with my partner as we sat outside to enjoy this beautiful evening. We need rain on weekdays and sun/75 on weekends.
  20. Leafs stay alive in Game 4. I bet on them tonight so happy I won money.
  21. 100/10 weather this evening, just stellar. Sitting on the patio with a cocktail enjoying it.
  22. My cherry tomatoes that I planted a few weeks ago are doing well. The cool snap hasn’t seemed to affected their growth at all. Heat island FTW!
  23. Weekend weather looks amazing. Bring it!
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