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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. That was fun to see bomb out to 938 in the Gulf of Maine. Agree that there will be active chances in the coming weeks.
  2. Wisp webcam has been fun to watch this morning. Mountain Report + Cams - Wisp (wispresort.com)
  3. 3k has some flurries/SN- throughout the area tomorrow morning.
  4. Why should facts matter when we’re dealing with unrealistic expectations?
  5. I love how it’s November 26 and folks act like they know how December will go.
  6. Steadiest rain of the afternoon here. I’m glad I put up the Christmas decorations last weekend
  7. I think he likes the attention
  8. As mentioned earlier today, the -PNA is going to flood the CONUS with pac air and will take time to scour that out - which is why you see AN even with the favorable ATL. IMO, the PAC has been the bigger factor in our sucky winters of late because it was too hostile to overcome even with a favorable ATL. I’m more bullish this winter because it doesn’t look like we are going to be in a consistent -PNA. I disagree that “even perfect patterns have been too warm” - I think we just have had some bad luck with timing in some cases. Take the beach blizzards the eastern areas have gotten recently. Was it too warm? No, we were on the losing side of the setup/timing.
  9. Down to 33. Nice, cold night to get in a festive mood with the Christmas decorations up.
  10. Six minutes after this…
  11. Thanks for the forecast and posting it!
  12. Helps build snowpack in cold source regions.
  13. Happy thanksgiving y’all! I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
  14. 2.2” in the nearby station gauges here. Great to see the high QPFs verify (and overperform).
  15. Chasing to the mountains does wonders for the snow fix. Have a great time! Get Blackwater Falls State Park sledding tickets now if you are interested - they sell out.
  16. “You can tell the pattern is setting in….I’m ready to give up”
  17. It already is on the brink of that on November 21.
  18. 3k NAM juiced up at 00z. Over 2” for good portion of the area.
  19. Yeah, I was referring to our house in McHenry.
  20. Hope there’s a surprise burst of snow/sleet tomorrow morning. 32/28 at the house in McHenry but toasty sitting next to the fire in Alexandria.
  21. There’s possibility of mixed precip/icing on Tuesday - highest chance is in western MD but there’s a possibility the 81 corridor sees a bit of icing so the map makes sense IMO.
  22. Every Thanksgiving we are either hosting at Deep Creek or out of town in NY with family so I can’t decorate Thanksgiving weekend. And with the time it takes to decorate for Christmas, I like to be able to enjoy for more than just a few weeks.
  23. Just finished putting up the Christmas lights/decorations outside. Just need some snow to finish the look
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