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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Oh wow, I was on 66 west driving to Tysons around 5p and saw a flare shot into the sky and wondered what it was. Crazy.
  2. Absolutely wild. I read online that the suspect was lighting off flares in the house as police were getting close - and some reports said it was a meth lab.
  3. I hear palm trees are growing in NYC…
  4. Love to see the Eagles get blown out. Sorry @mattie g
  5. 0.85” in nearby gauges. Nice to see the last few rain events have over performed. Hopefully sign of good things to come.
  6. Yep, that was the point I made yesterday evening too. It seems everything is aligned to what most thought this winter would progress as (mild December with maybe some chances if things work out and flip to favorable patterns in J/F). I don’t see anything to suggest that’s off track. But I don’t have a Pro Forecaster yellow tag so what do I know.
  7. FSU doesn’t deserve to be in the championship. Their signature win was beating LSU - which is a good win. But had a weak schedule the rest of the way. They also looked like crap last night against Louisville.
  8. Drip drip drip, sun angle season though. Basically by Feb 5th, you need SPF 50 if you’re outside for 10 minutes. 6-8” if it falls at night…if its during the day, will it even stick?
  9. This aligns to what the early seasonal models / many predicted for how the winter would go. Seems everything is still aligned.
  10. Another wonderful Christmas Scottish Walk Parade in Old Town Alexandria today. Our Scottish Terrier felt right at home!
  11. **Checks date….. Yes, indeed it’s still December 2. But we’re talking about how apparently some are still holding onto hope for 4 weeks from now. I think people need to stop looking at 600 hour extended model runs.
  12. since this winter is over, should we start the Winter 24-25 thread?
  13. This Oregon Washington game is fun.
  14. It’s nice when a threat shows up in the MR.
  15. Amazing, lets bring it home. Only 300 model runs to go!
  16. 300 hours so lots will change yadda yadda but nice to see fantasy land chances. I don’t even think we saw many of those last year.
  17. My best finish in these contests. Congrats to GATech! Thanks for running this.
  18. Looks like panic room will be rocking with the chatter this morning.
  19. I hope you went really big in the snowfall contest so that can verify too!
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