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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Temp dropping pretty impressively. Down to 52 from 60.
  2. It looks like it’s smiling at us. Probably laughing at the mood swings around here.
  3. Checked the camera at our house in McHenry and its changing to snow there.
  4. While unfortunately I got back from there earlier this afternoon, its down to 37 at our house in McHenry. Winds are out of the NW.
  5. Not the most fun drive on 68 coming back from Deep Creek. Lots of fog + the rain made for some white knuckle driving.
  6. Just had a few brief random downpours here in McHenry. Going negative tilt already?
  7. To my weenie eyes, GFS upped the ante at 00z.
  8. 3k going all in ramping up precip totals and rates. Let’s go!
  9. Meh, too much time spent looking at uber LR models IMO. Look at Monday - sort of popped up out of nowhere when we were led to believe December is being written off. Yeah, it’s not a 6-8” storm, but early on in climo, I’m excited we have something to track. YMMV.
  10. Yeah, 100% agree. I don’t see any can kicking honestly.
  11. Bears watching especially for the 81/west crew.
  12. 3k flips 95 around 4a and snows for a few hours. 81 corridor flips just after midnight.
  13. Agreed, I don’t really care about surface temps. Rates like that would be fun to watch even if its a coating of accumulation.
  14. Euro beats my snowfall total all of last winter.
  15. We don’t rent it out but a good bottle of bourbon might convince me.
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