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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Save your knowledgeable, scientific analysis for another time. Let us all enjoy our foot+ of digital snowfall.
  2. Who will mention “but we don’t want to be in the bullseye this far out” first?
  3. Nice to see another OP run continue to show this window as a threat.
  4. That was perfect…plenty cold and solid moderate event for the region.
  5. Yeah, incoming blues imminent at H342. This period keeps showing up as potentially our first trackable event.
  6. For those looking for the digital blue fix, GFS seems to be setting up for the 5th/6th.
  7. Dude, legit laughed reading this thread tonight.
  8. That Leesburg 04 guy was a dumb dumb…you’re representing Leesburg much better.
  9. Can I complain about your complaining? And then you can complain about my complaining about your complaining? And then I can complain about your complaining about my complaining about your complaining? And then this forum will just internally combust.
  10. Yellows and blues in the right places.
  11. 18z OP in la la land has a big storm in this time period with a sprawling High Pressure dropping in from Canada. Not worth parsing details that far out but continues to show the potential in the window even if the OP didn’t work out for us on this run. There’s a lot to like on the 500 map even though the vort went negative too soon. This could be our first discreet threat window to start tracking.
  12. The low pressure off the maritimes is so clutch for the MA - helps prevent the High pressures over Canada/Lakes from flying through where we’re completely banking on luck/timing. We have more ‘wiggle’ room in a 500 setup like that esp with the number of southern stream waves moving through. I know I’m a weenie but hard not to think we have an AN chance of snow the first week of January.
  13. BAM is terrible at seasonal forecasting. I’d rather post 12 year CPC maps than their crap.
  14. Talk about night/day from a similar period a year ago.
  15. Here’s some that might pop up: -doesn’t look as good as a few days ago -can see the breakdown on the 800 hour CFS -March looks warm -MJO is dying -base state warmth
  16. So awful for the residents and ski areas. We’re supposed to be staying in Jackson over New Years.
  17. Uh oh, look at how hot Canada is. Maybe March will have a chance
  18. As much as I despise all Philly teams, I agree that the Eagles are a good team. They're still a team I wouldn't want to face in the playoffs.
  19. You gotta love to see Philly lose.
  20. I’m worried about a change in the weather pattern change before we get a change in the weather pattern to change. If a weather pattern changes and no one is around to see it, did the weather pattern change?
  21. Interesting ob, thanks for sharing. 25.6 at 2809’ but unfortunately I’m home in VA. Enjoy the snow, even if it’s less than WSW criteria.
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