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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Yeah, would guess they open first half of the month for sure. This cold weather is perfect.
  2. Drove back today from Long Island - so much traffic, especially in DE and MD. Is the new thing for Maryland drivers to just ignore every traffic law and now drive on shoulders too?
  3. Late to the ob but first freeze overnight here in Alexandria with a low of 25 this morning.
  4. Per the weather station at home, 33.1, coldest of the season so far.
  5. Wish I was at Deep Creek vs Long Island. Snowing at the house per the Ring cams.
  6. Don’t worry, people will find ways to complain.
  7. Happy Thanksgiving! Almost time to start cooking. Favorite day of the year!
  8. The weather yesterday was perfect to hang up Christmas lights and decorations outside. Now just need snow with the decorations!
  9. If were hosting again, I'd be here through next weekend, but this year we're going up to family in Long Island (back to hosting here next year). We put up the tree and Christmas decorations earlier today which felt festive with the snow on the ground. Hopefully more snow for you later in the week for the same!
  10. Wisp reporting 15” storm total. Great event to kick off ski season.
  11. DCA - 17.2 IAD - 29.4 BWI - 28.7 RIC - 5.8 Tiebreaker - SBY - 5.1
  12. 33 degrees with RA/SN- mix. No clue how much total with drifting/compaction/etc but would guesstimate 12-14” range. Heading out to the tire place get my snow tires put on for the season.
  13. damn, did I just reach my peak at amwx? Only downhill from here for me
  14. Yeah, I’d guess they’re still 2 or so weeks away, need some consistent cold nights and no big rain storm cutters. Gusty winds and SN with dendrites mixed into smaller flakes.
  15. Took 5 hours to drive out here - white knuckle driving on 68 and secondary roads especially with the SN and blowing snow. 29.8 with SN. First deck pic of the season! don’t mind the deck furniture still out - was supposed to put that away last weekend but we wound up staying in VA… Beautiful night! Winter is so back
  16. Yep, I know. Unfortunately my partner had a thing in the office this morning that he needs to be at.
  17. Near white out conditions at Wisp - fun to watch: Mountain Report + Cams - Wisp Hitting the road in 2 hours, should be "fun" on 68.
  18. Great to see Wisp making snow tonight with snow falling. Winter is back! https://www.wispresort.com/mountain-report-cams/#mountain_cams Pic from the house with snow falling. 24 there.
  19. Nice! Ring cameras at the house show light snow with a dusting on the grass. Things look to crank tomorrow/night. The drive tomorrow afternoon looks fun.
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