Don’t think the NAM is going to continue the north trend...if anything its a touch south than 18z. Through 24, 0.1” is in PWC. Such a tight gradient as EZF is 0.5”.
They’re basically useless. Only thing they help with is passing the time until the 18z suite and sometimes they sniff out (or support) overall north/south trends.
Pulling out all the stops since we’ve got nothing to lose. 15z SREFs also bumped north. 0.1” up to M/D line, 0.25” north of DC, 0.5” just south of FFX County. 9z had 0.1” south of DC.
I would be feeling more confident if I was you vs here in NVA/DC. I also think banding will set up somewhere on the northern fringe that could easily drop a few inches...just how far north that gets is what we’re ironing out now. If had to wager now, my gut says between Glen Allen and EZF. Flurry watch for Arlington/Alexandria.
Hmm, Canadian triplets, UKMET, and JMA get measurable precip to DC. If the Euro comes in with the same, I may start believing we see some snow here out of this.