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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Starting to get into the range (useful is another question) of HRRR (get ready for the roller coaster!). But it has onset in the mountains of WV around Snowshoe in the mid morning, Canaan/Garrett County late morning, and then the 81 corridor by early to mid afternoon.
  2. Stars are gone...clouds have arrived. Holding steady at 15.
  3. 15/11...temp starting to slowly rise and will continue here overnight as the WAA approaches.
  4. In terms of precip totals, NAM is looking like the 18z Euro. E/E rule back?
  5. Euro (&EPS) clearly have trended towards better action from the coastal on top of the WAA...that jackpot makes sense.
  6. 15/12 in McHenry. Fire in the wood burning stove.
  7. Amazing. Happy for you and the southern part of the forum.
  8. @wawarriors4 what’s your total down there?
  9. It’s too bad this is the only storm we’ll get this season too. You missed November and now missed this too. See you 19-20...I hear it’ll be epic.
  10. Super high ratios with this storm. I'm currently at 180:1...hours to flakes.
  11. Just saw a random flurry or two. 9 days of tracking worth it!
  12. Wow, great for y'all in Central VA. Quite the historic storm for the SE and Central VA.
  13. Nice! Enjoy it. Might mean I can sneak in a dusting if it can continue to push north. I'm on the border of Arlington/Alexandria in Fairlington.
  14. Nudging north slightly...looks like Mount Vernon may now be the edge.
  15. Oh so close to flakes here but DC snow hole is in full effect.
  16. Glad to see part of the forum cash in...enjoy it!
  17. Waiting on the meteogram but seems UKMET holds at least.
  18. And GFS keeps 0.1” south of EZF. Hopefully it’s wrong for our southern friends.
  19. ICON gets 0.1” to the border of Spots/Stafford Cty. A tiny nudge north but more importantly for @wawarriors4 bumped the heavier stuff north towards you.
  20. Snow falling from the sky? Maybe. Accumulating? Not much. 0.05” gets to DC. 0.1” through Southern FFX County.
  21. LWX needs to expand WSW to EZF. WWA for Stafford makes sense.
  22. Just a brutal cutoff on the NAM twins.
  23. 3k NAM following suit with the wall set up somewhere in PW county.
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